L.l to write a poem about feelings
For inquiry we created a poem about feelings to share with our class. My poem was a diamante, it was about anger how to separate yourself from anger and to be calm. A diamante seven lines and has a 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 formation. The first and last word's are the beginning topic and a ending topic. the second and the second last line are two adjectives. The third and the third last line are three ING words about your topic. the fourth words are for four nouns and or short phrases. A diamante has a diamond shape as well.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Friday, 29 March 2019
Thursday, 28 March 2019
L.I to Comment on other people blogs
For commenting I commented on my friend David's blog about his reading blog post. He did a good job, but forgot one thing.
SSR Selfie
L.I to talk about your book
For SSR selfie I talked about my book called: Captain James Cook charts of the pacific ocean. This book talks about Captain James cook's voyages around the world, his ship and more. I really like this book because it's really interesting.
For SSR selfie I talked about my book called: Captain James Cook charts of the pacific ocean. This book talks about Captain James cook's voyages around the world, his ship and more. I really like this book because it's really interesting.
Editing recounts
L.I to revise and edit a recount.
For writing we wrote a recount about Kiwi Sport, Kiwi Can, or Music. I wrote mine about Kiwi Sport. Then things got fun, we had to make our partners writing better by using the skills that we learned from three weeks ago using these marking rules.
For writing we wrote a recount about Kiwi Sport, Kiwi Can, or Music. I wrote mine about Kiwi Sport. Then things got fun, we had to make our partners writing better by using the skills that we learned from three weeks ago using these marking rules.
Points system.
1 point for every change/addition made
1 point if an adjective is added
1 point is an adverb is added
2 points if the title was reworked to be more interesting
2 points if the word said is changed to be more interesting
2 points if punctuation is added (Exclamation, Question mark, Ellipsis, speech marks)
5 points if the sentence has been developed using our strategy from 3 weeks ago
5 points if the changes makes TREE more visible
-2 points if a capital letter is used outside of beginning of a sentence and a persons name
-10 points if there is only Full stops and/or commas
-20 points if only adjectives have been added
-20 points if there is under 10 changes and/or the changes didn’t make sense
L.I to learn how to play music in duets
For music we played in duets, duets are two people playing the same instrument at once. My partner was Xavier, we played the xylophone together.
The somgs we played it on were One call away and Shotgun. After that we got a turn on they keyboards. I really like music because we get to learn new instruments.
For music we played in duets, duets are two people playing the same instrument at once. My partner was Xavier, we played the xylophone together.
The somgs we played it on were One call away and Shotgun. After that we got a turn on they keyboards. I really like music because we get to learn new instruments.
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Positive relationships
L.I to friendship.
For Kiwi can we talked about friendship. For this we played a game called secret cards, but first we had a talk about what good friends are and including other people. After that we played secret cards, in this game we got cards that had bad secrets and good secrets on them. As a group we had to decide which secret goes to the good place and which goes to the bad place and later talked about it as a class. Lastly it was GKQ time, I like it because it has many different questions.
For Kiwi can we talked about friendship. For this we played a game called secret cards, but first we had a talk about what good friends are and including other people. After that we played secret cards, in this game we got cards that had bad secrets and good secrets on them. As a group we had to decide which secret goes to the good place and which goes to the bad place and later talked about it as a class. Lastly it was GKQ time, I like it because it has many different questions.
L.I to unlock keyword to summarize a text
For reading we focused on key words and summarizing. We read and article about wellington beaches going smoke free from four different sourced, they were Radio NZ, Kiwi kids news, Nz herald and Stuff. After reading the articles we summarized the text by doing the who, what, when, where, why and how part. I think that smoking should be banned because it is bad for your health.
For reading we focused on key words and summarizing. We read and article about wellington beaches going smoke free from four different sourced, they were Radio NZ, Kiwi kids news, Nz herald and Stuff. After reading the articles we summarized the text by doing the who, what, when, where, why and how part. I think that smoking should be banned because it is bad for your health.
L.I to learn something something about the class or the school using statistics
For maths we learnt about statistics, statistics a collecting data and to answering a question. The question we answered was Where is the most popular spot to sit and rest in the school? The resources we needed was google forms, google draw and a map of our school. Survey
For maths we learnt about statistics, statistics a collecting data and to answering a question. The question we answered was Where is the most popular spot to sit and rest in the school? The resources we needed was google forms, google draw and a map of our school. Survey
Friday, 22 March 2019
Li. to comment on other peoples blog post
For commenting I Commented on Spelman's blog post. He has done one about his reading must do.
For commenting I Commented on Spelman's blog post. He has done one about his reading must do.
SSR selfie
L.I to talk about your book
For SSR selfie I wrote about my book call food around the world China. This book is about te different foods in china
For SSR selfie I wrote about my book call food around the world China. This book is about te different foods in china
Kiwi Sport
L.I to play a game of ki o rahi
For Kiwi Sport we played a full game of ki o rahi, this was our last week of Kiwi Sport. There were two teams and we both go to play the two roles. The kioma team were running around the world and hat to intercept the ki (ball) and the and score a try in te rotor to get a point. The taniwha's role was to throw the ki at the tupu (island) to score a point with the ki te aki tiring to prevent that from happening. It was a lot of fun and the best part was that my team won.
For Kiwi Sport we played a full game of ki o rahi, this was our last week of Kiwi Sport. There were two teams and we both go to play the two roles. The kioma team were running around the world and hat to intercept the ki (ball) and the and score a try in te rotor to get a point. The taniwha's role was to throw the ki at the tupu (island) to score a point with the ki te aki tiring to prevent that from happening. It was a lot of fun and the best part was that my team won.
L.I to identify the characteristics of a poem
For inquiry we were learning about poetry. They are a type of literature
(something you can read) and can be long or short. They also can be seen in different shapes. For our must do we looked at what poems contained like End Rhyme (End rhyme means sounds at the end of multiple words sound the same), Alliteration ( Alliteration means multiple words that have the same starting sound), Assonance
(your vowel sounds) and consonance(your non vowel sounds). We learnt this information by being taught by Mr Wong The tools I used to complete this task were my Chromebook, a highlighter, a piece of paper with poems on it, a vivid and the app I used was a google document made by Mr Wong.
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Cricket inter school
L.I to participate in the cricket inter school
On Wednesday, the 20th march 2019 Panmure bridge School wen to cricket inter school. I was in the year five and six boys team. our first game was against Stanhope, but unfortunately we lost to them. Our second game was against Stonefields , they were a really good team and everyone in the team played club cricket and we lost again. The third game we played was against panama road and we got our first win after a long time. The fourth and last game was against Tamaki primary, this was a tough final game and we just won. I really enjoyed the tournament, it was really fun because I like competition. Overall we finished 5th.
On Wednesday, the 20th march 2019 Panmure bridge School wen to cricket inter school. I was in the year five and six boys team. our first game was against Stanhope, but unfortunately we lost to them. Our second game was against Stonefields , they were a really good team and everyone in the team played club cricket and we lost again. The third game we played was against panama road and we got our first win after a long time. The fourth and last game was against Tamaki primary, this was a tough final game and we just won. I really enjoyed the tournament, it was really fun because I like competition. Overall we finished 5th.
Tuesday, 19 March 2019
Key words
L.I to skim and scan to unlock keywords
For reading we learned about keywords, they are important for doing research, so you get the right information. For our must do we took keywords from a text of our choosing and tried to summarize it in under 25 words, unfortunately I couldn't and summarized it in thirty one. The text that I summarized was called fatty facts.

For reading we learned about keywords, they are important for doing research, so you get the right information. For our must do we took keywords from a text of our choosing and tried to summarize it in under 25 words, unfortunately I couldn't and summarized it in thirty one. The text that I summarized was called fatty facts.

L.I to identify different parts of a recount
For writing we looked at punctuation. We first did a poster about the different punctuation marks and what we use them for, these included speech marks, full stop, commas, exclamation mark and etc. For the main activity we had to put a recount in the right structure and then modifying its parts and and answering why you made the change.
For writing we looked at punctuation. We first did a poster about the different punctuation marks and what we use them for, these included speech marks, full stop, commas, exclamation mark and etc. For the main activity we had to put a recount in the right structure and then modifying its parts and and answering why you made the change.
Place value
L.I to shift between place value using multiplication.
For maths we did place value in 10's 100's and 1000's. I did division in place value as well in decimals. When you divide a number by 10 it goes down by one place value. Dividing 1 by 10 mean's that the number goes down in decimals which will be 0.1, which is in the tenths column and dividing with hundred will equal to 0.01.
For maths we did place value in 10's 100's and 1000's. I did division in place value as well in decimals. When you divide a number by 10 it goes down by one place value. Dividing 1 by 10 mean's that the number goes down in decimals which will be 0.1, which is in the tenths column and dividing with hundred will equal to 0.01.
Friday, 15 March 2019
Kiwi Can
L.I to cooperate with other people.
For Kiwi can we focused on cooperation. We played two games that we had to show cooperation, the first game we played was called opposites. in this game we had to do the opposite thing our Kiwi Can leaders told us, which was hard for me. After that we had a talk about cooperation mean and why it is necessary in a team or group. Later we had our activity, the name of the game is command and conquer. In the game we split into groups and chose one leader, then he or she has to go to the Kiwi Can leaders to get an instruction and go back to their group and do that thing with their group, the first group fished won and got to pick another person from the other group.
For Kiwi can we focused on cooperation. We played two games that we had to show cooperation, the first game we played was called opposites. in this game we had to do the opposite thing our Kiwi Can leaders told us, which was hard for me. After that we had a talk about cooperation mean and why it is necessary in a team or group. Later we had our activity, the name of the game is command and conquer. In the game we split into groups and chose one leader, then he or she has to go to the Kiwi Can leaders to get an instruction and go back to their group and do that thing with their group, the first group fished won and got to pick another person from the other group.
Michel Hill
L.I to apply different strategies we use as readers.
For reading we chose a person to make an information slide about. Our person was Michel Hill, he is businessman known for his jewelry stores around the Oceania and North america. We answered questions about him from out teacher and ourselves.
For reading we chose a person to make an information slide about. Our person was Michel Hill, he is businessman known for his jewelry stores around the Oceania and North america. We answered questions about him from out teacher and ourselves.
L.I to build interesting sentences
For writing we built interesting sentences. For this we chose from six different types of words, they were Adjectives, male/female, emotions, different words for said, verbs and adverbs. My group choose adjectives and partnered up with other groups to make one big list of adjectives. In total we had 181 adjectives.
For writing we built interesting sentences. For this we chose from six different types of words, they were Adjectives, male/female, emotions, different words for said, verbs and adverbs. My group choose adjectives and partnered up with other groups to make one big list of adjectives. In total we had 181 adjectives.
Cooperative games
This week fore inquiry we made our own cooperative games to teach the class. First we made a poster about our game. My groups game in evolved a soccer ball and was call score the ball, but our game was too confusing to play.
Place value
L.I to create groups of ten and hundred in large numbers
For our maths we learned how to use place value with large numbers. We learned how to do this by doing a grid with large numbers and we had to subtract, add and find the right number in tens and hundreds. Here is the video that I did.
For our maths we learned how to use place value with large numbers. We learned how to do this by doing a grid with large numbers and we had to subtract, add and find the right number in tens and hundreds. Here is the video that I did.
Friday, 8 March 2019
L.I to comment on other peoples blog posts
For commenting I commented on Andrew's blog post about his reading strategies.
For commenting I commented on Andrew's blog post about his reading strategies.
Kioma role
L.I to learn how to play the Kioma in ki o rahi.
For Kiwi sport we learned how to play the Kioma role. For this we mad two teams, the Kioma team started with kicking the Ki (ball) to their Ki Te Aki and they had to pass it to the other kioma teammates who then had to run around the world and touch the Taniwha's teeth with the ki and score a try in te rotor. The Taniwha team had their own ki to shoot at the tupu and stop the runners from scoring.
For Kiwi sport we learned how to play the Kioma role. For this we mad two teams, the Kioma team started with kicking the Ki (ball) to their Ki Te Aki and they had to pass it to the other kioma teammates who then had to run around the world and touch the Taniwha's teeth with the ki and score a try in te rotor. The Taniwha team had their own ki to shoot at the tupu and stop the runners from scoring.
Thursday, 7 March 2019
L.I to identify the different strategies we use as readers.
For reading we did GKQ's (general knowledge questions) to find out what reading strategies each group was doing, we got to choose our our strategies if we got a questions right. We did synthesizing, summarizing and visualizing and made three posters about the strategies.
For reading we did GKQ's (general knowledge questions) to find out what reading strategies each group was doing, we got to choose our our strategies if we got a questions right. We did synthesizing, summarizing and visualizing and made three posters about the strategies.
Actions and emotions
L.I to identify actions and factors
For writing we created a T chart about the good things and the bad things that can lead a team to succeed or fail. We listed ten good things and bad things, we also looked at how these twenty things can effect other things as well. Lastly we play some games to show the qualities of a good team or a bad team.
For writing we created a T chart about the good things and the bad things that can lead a team to succeed or fail. We listed ten good things and bad things, we also looked at how these twenty things can effect other things as well. Lastly we play some games to show the qualities of a good team or a bad team.
SSR selfie
L.I to summarize your book.
For SSR selfie I wrote about a book that I like Called gypsy day. It is a day when farmers and their family move from one farm to another and it is a big hassle.
For SSR selfie I wrote about a book that I like Called gypsy day. It is a day when farmers and their family move from one farm to another and it is a big hassle.
L.I to build sentences.
For writing we built sentences to make them better. We focused on four main points of making a sentence better and also learned where they go. They are Adjective, When, Where, How and Why, we focused on these five things to make our sentences better.
For writing we built sentences to make them better. We focused on four main points of making a sentence better and also learned where they go. They are Adjective, When, Where, How and Why, we focused on these five things to make our sentences better.
L.I to learn how to play the ukulele.
For music we learned how to play the ukulele and it's notes and chords. The song we played with was one call away. It was hard switching to the different notes and chords, but is was a lot of fun. We also got some free time with the keyboards.
For music we learned how to play the ukulele and it's notes and chords. The song we played with was one call away. It was hard switching to the different notes and chords, but is was a lot of fun. We also got some free time with the keyboards.
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
L.I to tell the time on an analog clock.
For maths we made a poster about how to tell the time on an analog clock to teach other people. We did challenges with little clocks with our groups and explanations of the hour hand, minute hand, what the dots meant and more, so everyone knew what they were doing. My poster was about the time 7:55 also known as five to eight.
For maths we made a poster about how to tell the time on an analog clock to teach other people. We did challenges with little clocks with our groups and explanations of the hour hand, minute hand, what the dots meant and more, so everyone knew what they were doing. My poster was about the time 7:55 also known as five to eight.
Kiwi Can
L.I to praise other people
For Kiwi Can we learned about the word praise and what it meant. We played two games. In the first game we had to find partner and do rock, paper, scissors with them and the loser had to chase the other person until the caught the or gave up. The second game we played was called kick ball. In that game we had two teams, one attacking team and one defending team. The main goal was to kick the ball and run to the cones and back not getting tagged or caught out by the other team.
For Kiwi Can we learned about the word praise and what it meant. We played two games. In the first game we had to find partner and do rock, paper, scissors with them and the loser had to chase the other person until the caught the or gave up. The second game we played was called kick ball. In that game we had two teams, one attacking team and one defending team. The main goal was to kick the ball and run to the cones and back not getting tagged or caught out by the other team.
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