L.I to do tasks for the Summer learning journey
The task that I did is the Papeha. The Papeha is a way of introducing yourself, It tells people your name, your city/town/country, your local mountain and your local river.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Friday, 13 December 2019
L.I to define a fraction
We had to make examples of fractions of sets. We had to select a set a set size, then we had to write the fraction were were divining it by. We had to show two examples of halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths.
We had to make examples of fractions of sets. We had to select a set a set size, then we had to write the fraction were were divining it by. We had to show two examples of halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
L.I to use a range of comprehension strategies to dive deeper into a text
We finished our novel study, finished our books and finished our follow up tasks. We had eight different activities to do and link on to the google draw
We finished our novel study, finished our books and finished our follow up tasks. We had eight different activities to do and link on to the google draw
L.I to learn Maori numbers
We learnt about Maori numbers from hundreds to millions. For our task we had to put number into the place value house in Maori. We had seven place value houses in total.
We learnt about Maori numbers from hundreds to millions. For our task we had to put number into the place value house in Maori. We had seven place value houses in total.
Kiwi Can
L.I to recap our learning
This was our last Kiwi Can session for the year. This session was our fun session which meant we only played games for the session. The first game we played was Traffic lights, the second game we played was hot potato, the third game we played was musical cones, the fourth game we played was do this do that and the fifth and final game we played was bitty bitty bop.
Saturday, 7 December 2019
L.I to do tasks foe the SLJ
One of our tasks for the Summer learning journey was to make a poster about Lorde but first we had to do research about her. Lorde is a New Zealand singer and songwriter. My poster was made on canva. The things that I in included in my poster was he date of birth, her net worth and more.
One of our tasks for the Summer learning journey was to make a poster about Lorde but first we had to do research about her. Lorde is a New Zealand singer and songwriter. My poster was made on canva. The things that I in included in my poster was he date of birth, her net worth and more.
Friday, 6 December 2019
L.I to comment on other peoples blogs
I commented in Xavier's writing blog post about his narrative hook.
I commented in Xavier's writing blog post about his narrative hook.
L.I to identify the parts of a narrative
We started writing the hook of our narrative, a hook is the part that tells the problem of the story. We had an additional character to help our main characters throughout the story. We had choose from one of two problems, They were finding a cure for living life in reverse and the second problem was finding out why there are so many natural disasters happening in the city of Los Angeles.
We started writing the hook of our narrative, a hook is the part that tells the problem of the story. We had an additional character to help our main characters throughout the story. We had choose from one of two problems, They were finding a cure for living life in reverse and the second problem was finding out why there are so many natural disasters happening in the city of Los Angeles.
L.I to use a range comprehension strategies to go deeper into a text
We read to the finish of our books and finished our tasks. I finished my Venn diagram and the comprehension questions.
We read to the finish of our books and finished our tasks. I finished my Venn diagram and the comprehension questions.
Thursday, 5 December 2019
L.I to explain what legal images are
We made an interactive poster about legal images to explain what they are. Legal images images that you have permission to use.
We made an interactive poster about legal images to explain what they are. Legal images images that you have permission to use.
L.I to tell the time in Maori
Our task was to read the time in Maori and show the tine using a clock face generator. We had to show different times ten times.
Our task was to read the time in Maori and show the tine using a clock face generator. We had to show different times ten times.
Kiwi Can
L.I to respect others
We learnt about other people desires. Desire means when you really want something. For our activity we had to get in a group of four, in that group of four we were given a basketball. One person had to had to pass the ball to the person in front of the line and that person had to pass back. Then that person has to to the back of the line and it continues until all of you teammates have had a turn. Lastly the person in front has to shoo the ball at the hoop, it the get it in the team gets a point.
We learnt about other people desires. Desire means when you really want something. For our activity we had to get in a group of four, in that group of four we were given a basketball. One person had to had to pass the ball to the person in front of the line and that person had to pass back. Then that person has to to the back of the line and it continues until all of you teammates have had a turn. Lastly the person in front has to shoo the ball at the hoop, it the get it in the team gets a point.
L.I to play singles tennis
We played singles tennis. there was one champion and one challenger but unlike last week whoever won the first point either stayed or became champion. After that the champions had a games against each other.
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
L.I to learn Maori
We were learning about numbers, days of the week,. This week our task was to match the Maori names of the days of the week to the English names. There were two types of words for the days of the week, one being the assimilation name and the other being the traditional name. The assimilation names are English words that sound like Maori words.
We were learning about numbers, days of the week,. This week our task was to match the Maori names of the days of the week to the English names. There were two types of words for the days of the week, one being the assimilation name and the other being the traditional name. The assimilation names are English words that sound like Maori words.
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
L.I to learn about fractions of sets and unit fractions.
We learnt about fractions of sets and unit fractions. Unit fractions are when both the numerator and the denominator are whole numbers and don't need to be part of a fractional component.
A fraction of set is a set of objects divided into equal groups of objects. To find a unit fraction of a set you need to divide the set by the number of groups of objects.
We learnt about fractions of sets and unit fractions. Unit fractions are when both the numerator and the denominator are whole numbers and don't need to be part of a fractional component.
A fraction of set is a set of objects divided into equal groups of objects. To find a unit fraction of a set you need to divide the set by the number of groups of objects.
Friday, 29 November 2019
L.I to advertise our company
We are advertising our company and frames for our market day on the 29 of November 2019. The advertisements could make were an poster, a brochure or a video. My group created a poster to let people know what we were selling.
We are advertising our company and frames for our market day on the 29 of November 2019. The advertisements could make were an poster, a brochure or a video. My group created a poster to let people know what we were selling.
Kiwi Sport
L.I to to play doubles tennis
Doubles tennis is when two players play against another two players. Both players on each team should have turns at hitting the ball. The person closer to the ball should hit the ball. We practiced playing doubles.
Doubles tennis is when two players play against another two players. Both players on each team should have turns at hitting the ball. The person closer to the ball should hit the ball. We practiced playing doubles.
Just frame it
L.I to create a name and logo for LS1's company
For our school gala day LS1 made frames. for the past weeks we have been learning about business and enterprise for this event. Here is my frame.
For our school gala day LS1 made frames. for the past weeks we have been learning about business and enterprise for this event. Here is my frame.
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
Athletics day
L.I to athletics day
We were divided into four teams. We ha to try to win as many games as we can. The games we played were Lilly pad gladiator, rob the nest, long jump, sponge relay, shot put, hoola hoops, bean bag race, egg and spoon race and the frizbie frenzie.
We were divided into four teams. We ha to try to win as many games as we can. The games we played were Lilly pad gladiator, rob the nest, long jump, sponge relay, shot put, hoola hoops, bean bag race, egg and spoon race and the frizbie frenzie.
Kiwi Sport
L.I to Learn different sports
We learnt how to Serve in tennis. Our coach told us that you always have to serve diagonally. For the serve, we start with the tennis racket and the ball in front of then then we had to slowly put up the ball and the racket going back. The when we reach her top we had to throw the ball up into the air and hit it with the racket.
We learnt how to Serve in tennis. Our coach told us that you always have to serve diagonally. For the serve, we start with the tennis racket and the ball in front of then then we had to slowly put up the ball and the racket going back. The when we reach her top we had to throw the ball up into the air and hit it with the racket.
L.I to novel study
We were given a certain chapter to read up to. For my task I did an author study about Roald Dahl.
We were given a certain chapter to read up to. For my task I did an author study about Roald Dahl.
Kiwi Can
L.I to respect others for their differences
In Kiwi Can we learnt about respecting others. Respecting others means to respect other peoples beliefs, ideas and customs. One way of being respectful is thinking about what you are going to say before you say it because it might be rude or offensive to someone. Our activity was spot the difference. in pairs one person had to change one thing about their appearance, while the other person was not looking. After each round we had to swap roles.
In Kiwi Can we learnt about respecting others. Respecting others means to respect other peoples beliefs, ideas and customs. One way of being respectful is thinking about what you are going to say before you say it because it might be rude or offensive to someone. Our activity was spot the difference. in pairs one person had to change one thing about their appearance, while the other person was not looking. After each round we had to swap roles.
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
LI: to use statistical and scientific methods to study the effect of wing span and area on lift.
We had to choose a new type of plane and a new design, we had to choose from a glider, dart or a stunt plane type. We had to gent in a group, throw our planes and measure the distance it fly's, then we had to find the average distance that the plane flew.
L.I to identify the parts of a narrative
We started picking our characters and settings for our narrative. Then we had to write a character and setting description about each of our characters and settings. We had one male, one female character, a Los Angeles setting, a abandoned farm setting and a area 51 setting.
We started picking our characters and settings for our narrative. Then we had to write a character and setting description about each of our characters and settings. We had one male, one female character, a Los Angeles setting, a abandoned farm setting and a area 51 setting.
Thursday, 21 November 2019
L.I to balance the supply and demand foe profit
We played the coffee shop game. In this game we had just opened our own coffee shop and we had 14 days to make as much money as possible. We were given $30 to spend to stock up for the first day, we had to buy the cups, coffee, sugar and the milk before every day to serve coffee. We could also adjust the about of coffee, the creaminess, sugar, milk and the price we sell it at. Each day we had a different weather forecast, so we had to adjust the price depending on that. There would me more or less costumers depending on our reputation. If we had a good reputation there would be more costumers and if we had a bad reputation there would be less customers.
We played the coffee shop game. In this game we had just opened our own coffee shop and we had 14 days to make as much money as possible. We were given $30 to spend to stock up for the first day, we had to buy the cups, coffee, sugar and the milk before every day to serve coffee. We could also adjust the about of coffee, the creaminess, sugar, milk and the price we sell it at. Each day we had a different weather forecast, so we had to adjust the price depending on that. There would me more or less costumers depending on our reputation. If we had a good reputation there would be more costumers and if we had a bad reputation there would be less customers.
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Kiwi Can
L.I to respect
Our theme is respect and out topic is patience. Patience is waiting calmly without complaining about something. For our activity we had to make a line and grab hold of the person in front of ours shoulders, then when the person at the back of us squeezed our shoulders we had to squeeze the person in front of our shoulders.
Our theme is respect and out topic is patience. Patience is waiting calmly without complaining about something. For our activity we had to make a line and grab hold of the person in front of ours shoulders, then when the person at the back of us squeezed our shoulders we had to squeeze the person in front of our shoulders.
L.I to learn to play the poi
We learnt how to play the poi, the poi is a instrument and a weapon used by the Maori people. We learnt how to play songs with it and the moves/actions as well it. Our this this week was to translate the words of the song we sang when we were playing the poi.
We learnt how to play the poi, the poi is a instrument and a weapon used by the Maori people. We learnt how to play songs with it and the moves/actions as well it. Our this this week was to translate the words of the song we sang when we were playing the poi.
Friday, 15 November 2019
L.I to investigate figurative language
We had to pick a setting of our choice. Then we had to write a tell sentence and a show sentence for our setting. We had to write what we felt, smelt, felt, head and tasted, we added figurative to our show sentence to be more descriptive.
We had to pick a setting of our choice. Then we had to write a tell sentence and a show sentence for our setting. We had to write what we felt, smelt, felt, head and tasted, we added figurative to our show sentence to be more descriptive.
L.I to use statistical and scientific methods to study the effect on wingspan and area on lift
We learnt how to make graphs to study how far each plane travels. We had 10 variations of planes to test, which ranged from a 2 cm wingspan to a 20 cm wingspan. The plane that traveled the shortest distance was the 2 cm plane, the plane that traveled the furthest distance was the 18 cm plane.
Our interpretation is that the bigger the wingspan the further the plane goes but when it reaches a certain limit the plane will not go as far as the others. I think one of our mistakes was that some of the planes were thrown harder than others for example the 18 cm plane and the 14 cm plane.
We learnt how to make graphs to study how far each plane travels. We had 10 variations of planes to test, which ranged from a 2 cm wingspan to a 20 cm wingspan. The plane that traveled the shortest distance was the 2 cm plane, the plane that traveled the furthest distance was the 18 cm plane.
Our interpretation is that the bigger the wingspan the further the plane goes but when it reaches a certain limit the plane will not go as far as the others. I think one of our mistakes was that some of the planes were thrown harder than others for example the 18 cm plane and the 14 cm plane.
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Food print
L.I to learn about how a business works
We had a special guest here to talk about her business , her name was Michal. Her business is been open for six months now. Michal opened her business because of the food waste problem. Over one third of the food we produce is wasted which is about 1.3 billion tonnes of food.
All this wastes releases methane which leads to climate change. FoodPrint is a app that provides foods at lower prices instead of it being wasted. Michal's business is a social enterprise which means that it is a full profit business that is helping the planet and people as well. There are over 250 cafe's partnered with her company.
We had a special guest here to talk about her business , her name was Michal. Her business is been open for six months now. Michal opened her business because of the food waste problem. Over one third of the food we produce is wasted which is about 1.3 billion tonnes of food.
All this wastes releases methane which leads to climate change. FoodPrint is a app that provides foods at lower prices instead of it being wasted. Michal's business is a social enterprise which means that it is a full profit business that is helping the planet and people as well. There are over 250 cafe's partnered with her company.
L.I to learn about macrons in Maori
In this session we learnt about macrons in the Maori language. Macrons are used to stretch a sound for example ata mārie which has a sign at the top that means to drag the sound. One of our tasks was to translate synonyms of bye in the Maori dictionary and find where the macrons are.
In this session we learnt about macrons in the Maori language. Macrons are used to stretch a sound for example ata mārie which has a sign at the top that means to drag the sound. One of our tasks was to translate synonyms of bye in the Maori dictionary and find where the macrons are.
L.I to Respect
Our theme was respect and our topic was restful communication. Our energizer was called one hand showdown. I this game we had to pick an amount of fingers from one hand and our opponent would do the same, the person that added up and said the number firs won and advanced to the next round.
In our activity we had to dance until the music stopped and then we had to try and pick up a come from the ground to advance to the next round.
Our theme was respect and our topic was restful communication. Our energizer was called one hand showdown. I this game we had to pick an amount of fingers from one hand and our opponent would do the same, the person that added up and said the number firs won and advanced to the next round.
In our activity we had to dance until the music stopped and then we had to try and pick up a come from the ground to advance to the next round.
Maniakalani film festival:
I watched the film stuck in scratch by Point England School. It was a really good movie and I liked the way that they used scratch.
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Friday, 8 November 2019
L.I to investigate figurative language
We looked at figurative language. Figurative language is when you say something that does not have a literal meaning. We had to take three character from our previous slide that we did, take a trait of that character and write different types of figurative language about it. The types of figurative language used were, personification, metaphor, simile and hyperbole.
We looked at figurative language. Figurative language is when you say something that does not have a literal meaning. We had to take three character from our previous slide that we did, take a trait of that character and write different types of figurative language about it. The types of figurative language used were, personification, metaphor, simile and hyperbole.
Kiwi Sport
L.I to learn how to play tennis
In this session we learnt about volleys in tennis. A volley is when you hit the ball without it touching the ground first. We had to hit the ball while it was in the air a many times as possible, my highest was six times.
In this session we learnt about volleys in tennis. A volley is when you hit the ball without it touching the ground first. We had to hit the ball while it was in the air a many times as possible, my highest was six times.
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Kiwi Can
L.I to respectful communication
Our theme was respect and our topic was respectful communication. Respectful communication is when you communicate politely or kindly with someone, it can be any type of communication. Our activity was animal squire where we had to sing a song about the sound that the animal that our Kiwi Can leader gave to us.
Our theme was respect and our topic was respectful communication. Respectful communication is when you communicate politely or kindly with someone, it can be any type of communication. Our activity was animal squire where we had to sing a song about the sound that the animal that our Kiwi Can leader gave to us.
Friday, 1 November 2019
L.I to novel study
This week we read from chapter six to eight. We had to complete one activity to blog about. The activity that I did was the character web activity. For this task we needed to answer questions about one character, the character that I did was the witch.
This week we read from chapter six to eight. We had to complete one activity to blog about. The activity that I did was the character web activity. For this task we needed to answer questions about one character, the character that I did was the witch.
L.I to identify the parts of a narrative
We created a slide to show the different types of figurative language and example of how to use them. There are five types of figurative language which are hyperbole, understatement, metaphor, personification and simile.
We created a slide to show the different types of figurative language and example of how to use them. There are five types of figurative language which are hyperbole, understatement, metaphor, personification and simile.
Thursday, 31 October 2019
L.I to understand the legal use of images
We learnt about legal and illegal images. A legal image is when the owner gives you right to use their image. An illegal image is when the owner doesn't allow you to use their image. To find legal images you can go to sites like pixabay or look at their licencing. To find illegal images you can go to sites like flickr. To recognize a legal image look at the licencing, if it says Cco the you know that it is a legal to use image. If the licencing says all rights reserved, that means that it is an illegal image and you can't use it.
We learnt about legal and illegal images. A legal image is when the owner gives you right to use their image. An illegal image is when the owner doesn't allow you to use their image. To find legal images you can go to sites like pixabay or look at their licencing. To find illegal images you can go to sites like flickr. To recognize a legal image look at the licencing, if it says Cco the you know that it is a legal to use image. If the licencing says all rights reserved, that means that it is an illegal image and you can't use it.
Kiwi Sport
L.I to learn the basic grip on a tennis racket
This term our Kiwi Sport is tennis and our coach's name is coach Peter. For our first session we were learning the basic grip on a tennis racket. First we started by doing warm up, we had to put our hand palm side down and and our partner would drop the ball then we had to flip our hands over and try to catch the ball.
After that we learnt about forehand and backhand technique, first we put our dominant hand on the bottom of the tennis ratchet and our non dominant had on the top. Then that we learnt how to hit the ball, there were two ways we learnt. The first technique was using two hands (the dominant hand on the bottom of the tennis ratchet and our non dominant had on the top) we hit the ball aiming for the cones. For the second way as we were going to hit the ball, we had to let go of our hand at the top and hit.
This term our Kiwi Sport is tennis and our coach's name is coach Peter. For our first session we were learning the basic grip on a tennis racket. First we started by doing warm up, we had to put our hand palm side down and and our partner would drop the ball then we had to flip our hands over and try to catch the ball.
After that we learnt about forehand and backhand technique, first we put our dominant hand on the bottom of the tennis ratchet and our non dominant had on the top. Then that we learnt how to hit the ball, there were two ways we learnt. The first technique was using two hands (the dominant hand on the bottom of the tennis ratchet and our non dominant had on the top) we hit the ball aiming for the cones. For the second way as we were going to hit the ball, we had to let go of our hand at the top and hit.
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
L.I to learn Te Reo Maori
We carried on with our tasks this week. My group completed two tasks. Our first task was to change English country names into Maori country names. The second and final task was to translate questions about us in Maori to English for example Ko wai tō hoa? which means Who is your friend?
We carried on with our tasks this week. My group completed two tasks. Our first task was to change English country names into Maori country names. The second and final task was to translate questions about us in Maori to English for example Ko wai tō hoa? which means Who is your friend?
Kiwi Can
L.I to Respect
Four our energizer we did three challenges, the first challenge was to clap in sync with our group. The second challenge was to spell respectful with one person saying a letter. The third and final challenge was to spell our school name backwards with a person saying a letter. After that we talked about how we could respect ourselves.Then it was activity time, it was called tangled. In this game we had to get in a circle hold a persons hand and tangle up. After that we had to find a way to get untangled, the group that did it first won.
Four our energizer we did three challenges, the first challenge was to clap in sync with our group. The second challenge was to spell respectful with one person saying a letter. The third and final challenge was to spell our school name backwards with a person saying a letter. After that we talked about how we could respect ourselves.Then it was activity time, it was called tangled. In this game we had to get in a circle hold a persons hand and tangle up. After that we had to find a way to get untangled, the group that did it first won.
Friday, 25 October 2019
L.I to Comment on other peoples blogs
I commented on my friend Andrew's blog post. He did a blog post about his maths must do.
I commented on my friend Andrew's blog post. He did a blog post about his maths must do.
L.I to revise the structure of a recount and reaffirm the making criteria
We wrote another recount based on winning a any world cup. We had to write using the seven criteria which were Ideas, Organisation, Spelling, Structure&language, Vocabulary, Punctuation, Sentence structure and Ideas. After that we gave ourselves a score and showed it to our teacher. The our teacher told us the things we had to edit in our writing.
We wrote another recount based on winning a any world cup. We had to write using the seven criteria which were Ideas, Organisation, Spelling, Structure&language, Vocabulary, Punctuation, Sentence structure and Ideas. After that we gave ourselves a score and showed it to our teacher. The our teacher told us the things we had to edit in our writing.
L.I to make your own bookmarks
We are doing novel study. The book that I am reading is called the witches, each week we have to read to the expectation that our teacher has put for that book. For this we made our own bookmarks, it had to link with the things we learnt in reading so far. Here are the bookmarks that my group and I made.
We are doing novel study. The book that I am reading is called the witches, each week we have to read to the expectation that our teacher has put for that book. For this we made our own bookmarks, it had to link with the things we learnt in reading so far. Here are the bookmarks that my group and I made.

L.I to separate companies into categories
We were given a bunch of companies and we had to separate them in to categories, for example goods and services. Goods are when you walk out of a store holding an item for example walking out the bakery with a pie, services are when you pay someone to do something for example clean you house. After we had a discussion with the other half of our group and how they approached the task.
We were given a bunch of companies and we had to separate them in to categories, for example goods and services. Goods are when you walk out of a store holding an item for example walking out the bakery with a pie, services are when you pay someone to do something for example clean you house. After we had a discussion with the other half of our group and how they approached the task.
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
L.I to learn Te Reo Maori
We did three tasks, the first task was answering to some questions in Maori like o hoa which means who are your friends. For the second task we were given the names of the Maori gods and their descriptions, we had to match those descriptions the gods. Our final activity was to translate some Maori worlds into English for example Kupu which means speak.
We did three tasks, the first task was answering to some questions in Maori like o hoa which means who are your friends. For the second task we were given the names of the Maori gods and their descriptions, we had to match those descriptions the gods. Our final activity was to translate some Maori worlds into English for example Kupu which means speak.
Kiwi Can
L.I to respect ourselves
Our theme this term is respect, and our topic is respecting yourself. Respect means treating people the way you want to be treated. First we had our energizer, VS The Kiwi Can leaders said two things and the thing we liked better we had to go to that side, we also had to explain why you liked that thing for example Soccer VS Basketball.
After we did a recap on what we talked about last week and why we like or dislike something. Later we did our activities, one group did physical challenges like making a pyramid using our bodies. The other group went to the library with Mrs. Mac to solve world riddles. Lastly we did GKQ's where we st in a circle, four people stood up and they had to answer a question.
Our theme this term is respect, and our topic is respecting yourself. Respect means treating people the way you want to be treated. First we had our energizer, VS The Kiwi Can leaders said two things and the thing we liked better we had to go to that side, we also had to explain why you liked that thing for example Soccer VS Basketball.
After we did a recap on what we talked about last week and why we like or dislike something. Later we did our activities, one group did physical challenges like making a pyramid using our bodies. The other group went to the library with Mrs. Mac to solve world riddles. Lastly we did GKQ's where we st in a circle, four people stood up and they had to answer a question.
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
L.I to research
We researched 21 words, what they mean and make a prediction on what we are going to learn in the coming weeks. The words linked to a plane and we were right, we are going to be making an origami plane and doing some experiments on it.
Saturday, 19 October 2019
L.I to comment on other peoples blogs
I commented on my friend Lukah's blog post about writing task.
I commented on my friend Lukah's blog post about writing task.
Friday, 18 October 2019
L.I to what is business
We had to make a slide deck talking about enterprise and business. We also had to write down a hundred business, write down what products they sell and the price range they sell it at. Some of the business we wrote down were Mc Donalds, KFC, costa and krispy kreme.
We had to make a slide deck talking about enterprise and business. We also had to write down a hundred business, write down what products they sell and the price range they sell it at. Some of the business we wrote down were Mc Donalds, KFC, costa and krispy kreme.
L.I to revise the structure of a recount and reaffirm the criteria
We revised for our writing next text week. The type of text we are writing is a recount, we were given a fictional scenario. We wrote two recounts, the first recount was about winning lotto and how we were going to spend it and the second recount was about winning a world cup of our choosing. The criteria we got our marks on are Ideas, Structure & language, Organisation, Vocab, Spelling, Punctuation, Sentence structure. I think that I can improve on my ideas and sentence structure.
We revised for our writing next text week. The type of text we are writing is a recount, we were given a fictional scenario. We wrote two recounts, the first recount was about winning lotto and how we were going to spend it and the second recount was about winning a world cup of our choosing. The criteria we got our marks on are Ideas, Structure & language, Organisation, Vocab, Spelling, Punctuation, Sentence structure. I think that I can improve on my ideas and sentence structure.
Thursday, 17 October 2019
L. I to build knowledge on vocabulary, and how it links to the wider world
We did two tasks. The first task we did was take one world and build our understanding on it, we had to write down the functions, associations, similarities&differences and multiple meanings. For the second task, we took a line from one rap lyric or poetic voice and make a quiz. In the quiz we had to choose one of the two choices. Here is one of the lines that we put in our quiz, No matter how hard it gets, Stick your chest out, Keep your head up and handle it.
L.I to revise your maths skills
We revised our math knowledge doing a quiz on our math books. The things we did were adding and subtracting time, decimals, multiplication (times tables), division (grouping/sharing), calculating area and perimeter, fractions (identifying fraction, fractions of sets) Some of the strategies we used were basic facts, tidy numbers, place value, repeated addition, rounding& compensating, written algorithm and reversing. Reversing is for example when you take a subtraction problem like 35-23=? and turn it in to an addition problem like 23+? =35 which is 12.
We revised our math knowledge doing a quiz on our math books. The things we did were adding and subtracting time, decimals, multiplication (times tables), division (grouping/sharing), calculating area and perimeter, fractions (identifying fraction, fractions of sets) Some of the strategies we used were basic facts, tidy numbers, place value, repeated addition, rounding& compensating, written algorithm and reversing. Reversing is for example when you take a subtraction problem like 35-23=? and turn it in to an addition problem like 23+? =35 which is 12.
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
L.I to learn Te Reo Maori
We had to complete tasks. Our first task was answering questions in Maori like What is your name, what is you grandfather/grandmother and more. The second activity we did was to watch two videos in Maori and then translate the words to English. Our third and final activity was to name some of the Maori gods and what they were the god of like Tane Mahuta, he is the Maori god of the forest.
We had to complete tasks. Our first task was answering questions in Maori like What is your name, what is you grandfather/grandmother and more. The second activity we did was to watch two videos in Maori and then translate the words to English. Our third and final activity was to name some of the Maori gods and what they were the god of like Tane Mahuta, he is the Maori god of the forest.
Kiwi Can
L.I to respect yourself
Our theme this term is respect, and our topic is respecting yourself. Respect means treating people the way you want to be treated. First we had our energizer, it was called Banana, Apple and Orange. The Kiwi Can leaders called out one of these fruits, each of the fruits had a instructors. Apple was to jump forward, Orange was to jump backwards and Banana was to turn 180 degrees.
After that we talked about how we could respect ourselves. Some of the ways are by brushing your teeth, taking a shower and more. Later on we it was activity time, the activity we played was called one truth and one lie. In this game we had to tell one truth and one lie about ourselves.
Our theme this term is respect, and our topic is respecting yourself. Respect means treating people the way you want to be treated. First we had our energizer, it was called Banana, Apple and Orange. The Kiwi Can leaders called out one of these fruits, each of the fruits had a instructors. Apple was to jump forward, Orange was to jump backwards and Banana was to turn 180 degrees.
After that we talked about how we could respect ourselves. Some of the ways are by brushing your teeth, taking a shower and more. Later on we it was activity time, the activity we played was called one truth and one lie. In this game we had to tell one truth and one lie about ourselves.
Friday, 27 September 2019
What I found about Japan
In this task we had to find out about five things Japan is famous for and gave a description about what the place or thing is. Lastly we showed the flag and also told what it represented.
Thursday, 26 September 2019
L.I to learn water safety
This was out last week for swimming. For this lesson we wore life jackets because we were in deeper water than usual. In this lesson we learnt about how to stay afloat when you are stranded and also how to preserve heat. The first thing we did in groups of roughly five or six, we held on to the other person's life jacket and floated on our back.
The second thing we learnt was the HELP procedure, HELP stands for heat escape lessening position. In this procedure we had to bring our knees up to chest level and leave it there to preserve heat. Lastly we learnt the pencil dive. First we have to put one hand across and hold that side of the life jacket. After that we had to put the other hand behind our head and then we took a big step and jump. I like going to swimming because we get to learn different techniques and it also teaches us how to be safe.
This was out last week for swimming. For this lesson we wore life jackets because we were in deeper water than usual. In this lesson we learnt about how to stay afloat when you are stranded and also how to preserve heat. The first thing we did in groups of roughly five or six, we held on to the other person's life jacket and floated on our back.
The second thing we learnt was the HELP procedure, HELP stands for heat escape lessening position. In this procedure we had to bring our knees up to chest level and leave it there to preserve heat. Lastly we learnt the pencil dive. First we have to put one hand across and hold that side of the life jacket. After that we had to put the other hand behind our head and then we took a big step and jump. I like going to swimming because we get to learn different techniques and it also teaches us how to be safe.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Rube Goldberg machine
LI: to make a Rube Goldberg Machine.
We made a Rube Goldberg Machine that includes all of the six simple machines. We had to choose one of three things that the Rube Goldberg machine has to accomplish. The things that we had to choose from were rolling dice out of a cup, putting a ball into a cup and to turn a chrome book on. The thing that we chose was to roll the dice out a cup.
Our first plan was having an incline plain and a marble hit dominoes, but that plan didn't work because the dominoes kept falling back so we made another plan. Our final plan was first hitting the books with a bat hitting a backwards wedge down an incline plane to hit a person and that person cut's the string that is attached to a felt tip pen. The felt tip pen dropped and hit another person. He will then push another person and that other person will lift a chair from the back to make a car roll down an incline plane to hit the cup and roll the dice inside.
Making the machine was a challenge because we had to figure out what we would make our simple machine out of. I would have changed the string part because it did not cut and I would have also changed the toy car to something else because it got stuck in the tunnel.
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Rugby events
L.I to apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.
In this task, I had to match the positions to a certain amount of players. I used lines to link the player to their position. I also gave more information about the players, to make it more interesting. Lastly I put the pictures of the players next to their names.
In this task, I had to match the positions to a certain amount of players. I used lines to link the player to their position. I also gave more information about the players, to make it more interesting. Lastly I put the pictures of the players next to their names.
Monday, 23 September 2019
RWC 2019 challenges
LI: apply inquiry, literacy and numeracy skills to learn about the RWC.
We are doing rugby world cup challenges. These challenges have three different categories which are maths numeracy and inquiry. Our first challenge was to find out the times that the rugby world cup final is going to be at in several countries, some of the large countries like the USA and Canada have different time zones in the east and west coast.
Friday, 20 September 2019
Faulty reasioning
L.I to to understand faulty reasoning
We looked at faulty reasoning. There are four areas of faulty reasoning, they are illogical/ simplified assumption, circular reasoning, over-generalization and contradiction. Our must do was to read three texts and list what was wrong with the text and what type of faulty reasoning it was.
We looked at faulty reasoning. There are four areas of faulty reasoning, they are illogical/ simplified assumption, circular reasoning, over-generalization and contradiction. Our must do was to read three texts and list what was wrong with the text and what type of faulty reasoning it was.
L.I to create an advertisement using the skills we learnt
We made an advertisement using the skills we learnt from the tasks we did in the past weeks. Our item that we had to advertise was a thneed, a thneed is a fictional item from the movie a d book the Lorax and it has multiple purposes. like wearing it as a hat.
We made an advertisement using the skills we learnt from the tasks we did in the past weeks. Our item that we had to advertise was a thneed, a thneed is a fictional item from the movie a d book the Lorax and it has multiple purposes. like wearing it as a hat.
L.I to learn water safety
For swimming we first did our safe entries. After that we did our streamlines and the streamlines rolling on to our backs. After that we did swimming on our backs. Lastly we had to swim through the waves the the other people were making from one platform to another.
For swimming we first did our safe entries. After that we did our streamlines and the streamlines rolling on to our backs. After that we did swimming on our backs. Lastly we had to swim through the waves the the other people were making from one platform to another.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Kiwi Can
L.I to cope with challenges
We learnt how to face our challenges and experience/attempt them. We looked at three different types of challenges and wrote about our feelings when we face those challenges. We figured out coping in groups of three.
We learnt how to face our challenges and experience/attempt them. We looked at three different types of challenges and wrote about our feelings when we face those challenges. We figured out coping in groups of three.
Friday, 13 September 2019
L.I to comment on other peoples blogs
For commenting I commented on Chris's blog post about bullying. He did a very good job.
For commenting I commented on Chris's blog post about bullying. He did a very good job.
SSR selfie
L.I to talk about you book
For SSR selfie my book was called Let's learn a little mandarin. It's purpose is to teach people how to speak mandarin.
For SSR selfie my book was called Let's learn a little mandarin. It's purpose is to teach people how to speak mandarin.
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