This week for reading we were working with the books that we used last week to make a video with our same partners. My partner was Giovanni, we created a video about our book born to fly and the main character Johnny Pohe .He was a great pilot that fought in world war two and died in 1944. Here is the video.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Friday, 28 September 2018
L.I to identify the purpose of narratives.
This week for reading we were working with the books that we used last week to make a video with our same partners. My partner was Giovanni, we created a video about our book born to fly and the main character Johnny Pohe .He was a great pilot that fought in world war two and died in 1944. Here is the video.
This week for reading we were working with the books that we used last week to make a video with our same partners. My partner was Giovanni, we created a video about our book born to fly and the main character Johnny Pohe .He was a great pilot that fought in world war two and died in 1944. Here is the video.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
L.I to write a procedural text.
This week for writing we had to write a procedural text about something you know how to do. I choose to write a procedural text about how to make a cup of tea.
This week for writing we had to write a procedural text about something you know how to do. I choose to write a procedural text about how to make a cup of tea.
L.I to get better at swimming.
Today was thew last week for swimming. We started off with a kicking practice with a board, to do this our face needed to be in the water to move. Then we had swimming on back and sculling like a jelly fish. After that we did swimming under water to get the ring, we had to go jump up and then go down to get to the bottom to the the ring. For the last activity we had a horse race, everyone had to get in pairs and got a noodle. After that one person had to be the horse that run to the finish line and the other person had to be at the back and their feet had to be off the water.
Today was thew last week for swimming. We started off with a kicking practice with a board, to do this our face needed to be in the water to move. Then we had swimming on back and sculling like a jelly fish. After that we did swimming under water to get the ring, we had to go jump up and then go down to get to the bottom to the the ring. For the last activity we had a horse race, everyone had to get in pairs and got a noodle. After that one person had to be the horse that run to the finish line and the other person had to be at the back and their feet had to be off the water.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Kiwi Can
L.I to kiwi can fun week.
This week was fun week and the last week for kiwi can. We had to pick two games that we wanted to play, we all voted an d the most votes went to Invisible rugby and tangle. First we played Invisible rugby. In this game we had two teams and Ms. Lily calls a number and that number of people run from the line and go to the our own try line, Then Ms. Lily calls the name of the person and the opposing team had to tag that person to get the invisible ball and run to the other try line. After we finished playing invisible rugby it started to ran out side so we couldn't play tangle. So we played Hand soccer.
This week was fun week and the last week for kiwi can. We had to pick two games that we wanted to play, we all voted an d the most votes went to Invisible rugby and tangle. First we played Invisible rugby. In this game we had two teams and Ms. Lily calls a number and that number of people run from the line and go to the our own try line, Then Ms. Lily calls the name of the person and the opposing team had to tag that person to get the invisible ball and run to the other try line. After we finished playing invisible rugby it started to ran out side so we couldn't play tangle. So we played Hand soccer.
L.I to write a quality comment.
For cybersmart this week we were looking at how to make quality comments. To make a quality comment we needed to include four things. they were: greeting and compliment, connection with the author, helpful comment, and encouragement. Here is my comment on Chris's blog post about Odysseus the warrior.
For cybersmart this week we were looking at how to make quality comments. To make a quality comment we needed to include four things. they were: greeting and compliment, connection with the author, helpful comment, and encouragement. Here is my comment on Chris's blog post about Odysseus the warrior.
Monday, 24 September 2018
L.I to learn how to type.
Today for keyboarding I did stage three. The main letters were M and V, It was a little bit hard when you move your fingers because you can type the wrong letters.
Today for keyboarding I did stage three. The main letters were M and V, It was a little bit hard when you move your fingers because you can type the wrong letters.
Defensive structures
L.I to learn about defensive structures.
On Tuesday we had a guest. his name was Izaak, he taught us about Defense weapons, explosives and the four layers of defense. After that Izaak had a challenge for us, we had to built a structure that could survive a shock wave. The materials we used were straws and paper.
On Tuesday we had a guest. his name was Izaak, he taught us about Defense weapons, explosives and the four layers of defense. After that Izaak had a challenge for us, we had to built a structure that could survive a shock wave. The materials we used were straws and paper.
Friday, 21 September 2018
L.I to identify the purpose of narratives.
This week for reading we were given four choices of novels. we had to work in partners. My partner was Giovanni and we choose Born to fly. It is a book about a man called Johnny Pohe and how he was killed by the Germans. He was also very lucky.
This week for reading we were given four choices of novels. we had to work in partners. My partner was Giovanni and we choose Born to fly. It is a book about a man called Johnny Pohe and how he was killed by the Germans. He was also very lucky.
L.I to reflect the nature of technology.
This week for inquiry we looked back at one of the first technology we researched on and also looked at our resent ones with our group. Our must do was to Make a DLO about the technology we use in our game and explain why our group choose those technologies.
This week for inquiry we looked back at one of the first technology we researched on and also looked at our resent ones with our group. Our must do was to Make a DLO about the technology we use in our game and explain why our group choose those technologies.
Thursday, 20 September 2018
L.I to identify the structure and language feature of a procedural text.
This week for writing we looked at the language features and structure of procedural text. The structure is TEMPS which stands for Title, End result, Materials list, Pictures and Step. Our must do was to take a screenshot of three images and make a poster that had to show each of the structural features of procedural text.

This week for writing we looked at the language features and structure of procedural text. The structure is TEMPS which stands for Title, End result, Materials list, Pictures and Step. Our must do was to take a screenshot of three images and make a poster that had to show each of the structural features of procedural text.
Duffy assembly
L.I to read
Yesterday we had Duffy assembly, our guest was Michel Mulipola. He is a comic book, school journal artist and writer, semi professional gamer and wrestler. He has also illustrated books for the WWE and Samoa Joe, he has won the New Zealand tag team championship and the heavy weight championship.
Yesterday we had Duffy assembly, our guest was Michel Mulipola. He is a comic book, school journal artist and writer, semi professional gamer and wrestler. He has also illustrated books for the WWE and Samoa Joe, he has won the New Zealand tag team championship and the heavy weight championship.
Time Vocabulary
L.I to find out Vocabulary of time.
This week for maths we had to find vocabulary for time and how it relates to time. I used words Like analog and after.
This week for maths we had to find vocabulary for time and how it relates to time. I used words Like analog and after.
L.I to learn new swimming skills
Today we went to the Panmure lagoon pools for swimming. First we did Streamline, to do this you need to put you hands on top of each other, look down and don't separate your hands. After that we did swimming on back and going in and out with your legs like a jelly fish. Soon after we did swimming and then duck diving. later we did sculling with our feet first so we can stay balanced. Lastly we did a swimming practice with any method we wanted. It was really fun because we learnt new skills to use while swimming.
Today we went to the Panmure lagoon pools for swimming. First we did Streamline, to do this you need to put you hands on top of each other, look down and don't separate your hands. After that we did swimming on back and going in and out with your legs like a jelly fish. Soon after we did swimming and then duck diving. later we did sculling with our feet first so we can stay balanced. Lastly we did a swimming practice with any method we wanted. It was really fun because we learnt new skills to use while swimming.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Kiwi Can
L.I to show perseverance.
Today was the last lesson of kiwi can, from next week we will have fun week. First we sat down and talked about the theme and topic. Then we went outside to play our energizer, the name of the energizer was tangle, first one person starts as the tagger and as the tag more people the taggers hold hands and only the people at the end can tag. After that we had a talk about how we can show perseverance and not get frustrated because people were getting angry when they got tagged.
Lastly it was activity time, the name was invisible rugby. This is a really fun game, in this game we had two teams and Ms. Lily calls a number and that number of people run from the line and go to the our own try line, Then Ms. Lily calls the name of the person and the opposing team had to tag that person to get the invisible ball and run to the other try line.
Today was the last lesson of kiwi can, from next week we will have fun week. First we sat down and talked about the theme and topic. Then we went outside to play our energizer, the name of the energizer was tangle, first one person starts as the tagger and as the tag more people the taggers hold hands and only the people at the end can tag. After that we had a talk about how we can show perseverance and not get frustrated because people were getting angry when they got tagged.
Lastly it was activity time, the name was invisible rugby. This is a really fun game, in this game we had two teams and Ms. Lily calls a number and that number of people run from the line and go to the our own try line, Then Ms. Lily calls the name of the person and the opposing team had to tag that person to get the invisible ball and run to the other try line.
Friday, 14 September 2018
L.I to get better at multiplication.
Today for my multiplication I went on a site called prtotec. I did my 1, 2, 5 and 10 times table it was't that hard.
Today for my multiplication I went on a site called prtotec. I did my 1, 2, 5 and 10 times table it was't that hard.
The kakangora
L.I to identify the purpose of narratives.
This week four reading we were given four choices of books. They were Sons of Ma' afu, In the begging, The Kakangora and A piece of paradise. I chose The Kakangora, It is a story from the Cook Islands about small creatures called Kakangora, they are just about a meter tall and have sharp nails and long hair. Our must do was to Make a DLO teaching about the story and the lesson this story teaches people.
This week four reading we were given four choices of books. They were Sons of Ma' afu, In the begging, The Kakangora and A piece of paradise. I chose The Kakangora, It is a story from the Cook Islands about small creatures called Kakangora, they are just about a meter tall and have sharp nails and long hair. Our must do was to Make a DLO teaching about the story and the lesson this story teaches people.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Dancing mat typing
L.I to get better at typing.
Today I did dancing mat typing level two. It was quite hard but I managed to finish it, the main letters for this level were t and y.
Today I did dancing mat typing level two. It was quite hard but I managed to finish it, the main letters for this level were t and y.
Today I commented on my friend's Chris's blog about a book called a piece of paradise he did a really great job.
L.I to identify the structure and language feature of procedural text.
This week for writing we had to make a poster. The poster was about a definition of a noun, simple present and third person person perspective.
L.I to learn new swimming skills.
Today we went to the lagoon pools for swimming. First we started off with walking through waves, people had boards and made waves withe them and one person at a time had to go through the waves. After we did swimming against the current, this one was really hard because the water was hitting your face and we had to go down to the bottom the pass through.
Then we did swimming with the current, now this one was easier than swimming against the current because the currents pushed you to the other and you didn't need to use much power. Lastly we made a big whirl pool. To make a whirl pool we needed to make a circle, hold hands and run in a circle. when the current was strong enough we lied on our backs and let the current push us.
Today we went to the lagoon pools for swimming. First we started off with walking through waves, people had boards and made waves withe them and one person at a time had to go through the waves. After we did swimming against the current, this one was really hard because the water was hitting your face and we had to go down to the bottom the pass through.
Then we did swimming with the current, now this one was easier than swimming against the current because the currents pushed you to the other and you didn't need to use much power. Lastly we made a big whirl pool. To make a whirl pool we needed to make a circle, hold hands and run in a circle. when the current was strong enough we lied on our backs and let the current push us.
L.I to learn about bombards.
This week for inquiry we could pick a weapon that used gunpowder. First we made a list of the weapons and then show to the teacher. Then we had to choose one weapon from the list, my group choose bombards. After that we researched about the weapon, we used sites like kiddie. for the presentation.The presentation must have had two historical examples.
This week for inquiry we could pick a weapon that used gunpowder. First we made a list of the weapons and then show to the teacher. Then we had to choose one weapon from the list, my group choose bombards. After that we researched about the weapon, we used sites like kiddie. for the presentation.The presentation must have had two historical examples.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
L.I to know and learn about different types of time.
This week for maths we looked at four different types of time. They are Analog time, Digital time and 24 hour time. Analog time is when you have two hands and numbers and the hands move around to tell the time. Digital time is written digitally and are on wrist watches. unlike Analog time had no hands it only uses numbers to tell the time. 24 hour time is mostly used by the military and airports. The clocks starts on 0000 which is midnight and the number increases as another hour comes.
Our must do was to write your typical day with how many minutes it takes you to do it.
This week for maths we looked at four different types of time. They are Analog time, Digital time and 24 hour time. Analog time is when you have two hands and numbers and the hands move around to tell the time. Digital time is written digitally and are on wrist watches. unlike Analog time had no hands it only uses numbers to tell the time. 24 hour time is mostly used by the military and airports. The clocks starts on 0000 which is midnight and the number increases as another hour comes.
Our must do was to write your typical day with how many minutes it takes you to do it.
Kiwi can
L.I to persevere.
Today in kiwi can our main goal was to persevere. First we played our energizer, it was add master. Add master is like rock, paper, scissors but you have to show a number and then count the fingers until you get the right number. we could use to hands and could also trick people. After that we had a talk about what perseverance means and ways to stay calm down when you're angry.
Later we had our activity, it was a really hard one because we had to make a tower with only using cards and we also had to persevere when thing go wrong, my group was almost finished but the structure fell down. Lastly Mr. Matt gave us our points.
Today in kiwi can our main goal was to persevere. First we played our energizer, it was add master. Add master is like rock, paper, scissors but you have to show a number and then count the fingers until you get the right number. we could use to hands and could also trick people. After that we had a talk about what perseverance means and ways to stay calm down when you're angry.
Later we had our activity, it was a really hard one because we had to make a tower with only using cards and we also had to persevere when thing go wrong, my group was almost finished but the structure fell down. Lastly Mr. Matt gave us our points.
Sunday, 9 September 2018
L.I to investigat the relationship between area add perimerer.
toady for maths we had to be in groups of four. My partners were Xavier, Karlos and Lorenzo. Then we had to go on stations and do what was written on the paper, there were 5 stations all of them were different but all of them were about area and perimeter.
toady for maths we had to be in groups of four. My partners were Xavier, Karlos and Lorenzo. Then we had to go on stations and do what was written on the paper, there were 5 stations all of them were different but all of them were about area and perimeter.
L.I to get our narrative finished.
Today for writing we had get our narrative checked by Mr. Ogilvie, finished and illustrated.
Here are the narrative and pictures.
Villain - Killer sting.
Today for writing we had get our narrative checked by Mr. Ogilvie, finished and illustrated.
Here are the narrative and pictures.
Long ago there was a villain called Killer Sting. He wanted to conquer the world, but it wasn't easy for him because of a fighter named Ben. He had mystical powers and always beat the villain, sometimes easily and sometimes barely. These mystical powers were passed down generation by generation.The fighter in the present day Brandon was very rich, so decided to go to the 100 years in to the future with a time machine. When the fighter arrived, he saw a world with robots that served humans and floating hover boards. He was so amazed by the technology that he almost fainted.
The people had to do nothing but just relax. After seven hours of decision making he decided to stay. The villain in Brandon’s original timeline saw that he wasn’t there, he laughs and started planning his attack. In the future Brandon is relaxing in peace. The villain attacked. It only took him half of a day to destroy half of the world.
Brandon’s workers went into the future and tried to convince him to come back. They also said that the villain has destroyed half of the world.Brandon replied that it is of no use going back as he has already destroyed half of the world, but he did not know that if the villain destroyed the present, the future would not exist. In a day he destroyed the world in the present. As soon as he destroyed the present, the future was destroyed too and there was nothing left.
Villain - Killer sting.
Fighter - Brandon
The end.
Sons Of Ma'afu
L.I to read stories about pacific myths, legends and fairy tales.
For reading we four choices of books, A piece of paradise, In the begging, Sons of Ma' afu and the Kakangora. I chose Sons of Ma' afu, It was an interesting book about a Tongan chief Ma' afu and his two sons named Ma' afutoka and Ma' afulele. The boys liked to play with spears and they weren't careful about where they throw the spears, so the villagers became angry and agreed to give the boys punishments and saw that they weren't feeling sorry. Then they told Ma' afu to kick his sons out of the village and the boys went to live in the sky.
For reading we four choices of books, A piece of paradise, In the begging, Sons of Ma' afu and the Kakangora. I chose Sons of Ma' afu, It was an interesting book about a Tongan chief Ma' afu and his two sons named Ma' afutoka and Ma' afulele. The boys liked to play with spears and they weren't careful about where they throw the spears, so the villagers became angry and agreed to give the boys punishments and saw that they weren't feeling sorry. Then they told Ma' afu to kick his sons out of the village and the boys went to live in the sky.
Friday, 7 September 2018
L.I to learn and get a new pace of technology.
Today for inquiry we could get a new piece of technology for the defenders in the game were were playing for about three weeks.. We were given two choices, a castle and bow and arrow my group chose the castle. Along with the castle we were given a drawbridge a moat and a gate, but first we needed to create a slide presentation and and present it to then class.
Tongan language week
L.I to learn Tongan language.
This week was Tongan language week. Learning space one worked with Learning space two to learn about Tongan language and the culture. First we learned some Tongan words like thank you and hello.
Then we had to make a Tongan boy or girl, I chose Tongan girl because it was easier to draw. Lastly we mad a DLO about how to say something in Tongan for example Monday translated in Tongan is Montie. I choose to do the days of the week.
This week was Tongan language week. Learning space one worked with Learning space two to learn about Tongan language and the culture. First we learned some Tongan words like thank you and hello.
Then we had to make a Tongan boy or girl, I chose Tongan girl because it was easier to draw. Lastly we mad a DLO about how to say something in Tongan for example Monday translated in Tongan is Montie. I choose to do the days of the week.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Today was the last day for swimming. First we sat at the edge of the pool with our own instructors. Then we tried floating on the back with a noodle and without a noodle, it is same as sculling but without doing thumbs up and thumbs down. I think floating on back with no noodle was easier After that we did kicking on our back. Later we did sculling with a noodle, we had to look up and put our belly on the surface to stay balanced in the water.
Soon after our instructor Kelly drop some rings at the bottom of the pool for us to get. Later on we sat on the edge to do the seated dive. To do this dive you have to stretch your arms to form a oval, put one palm on to of the other and duck down. Lastly we did swimming on your belly rolling on to your back.
Soon after our instructor Kelly drop some rings at the bottom of the pool for us to get. Later on we sat on the edge to do the seated dive. To do this dive you have to stretch your arms to form a oval, put one palm on to of the other and duck down. Lastly we did swimming on your belly rolling on to your back.
Sunday, 2 September 2018
L.I to learn about area and perimeter.
This week for maths we learned how to measure area and perimeter. For this we had to find partners, my partner was Giovanni. First we had to watch a video and find meanings of a few words on a google draw. Then we we had to open another google draw, and there were shapes on it and we had to find the area and perimeter of those shapes. Lastly we did the same thing on a paper that we were given but we had to use a ruler to find the numbers of how many centimeters a shape was.
This week for maths we learned how to measure area and perimeter. For this we had to find partners, my partner was Giovanni. First we had to watch a video and find meanings of a few words on a google draw. Then we we had to open another google draw, and there were shapes on it and we had to find the area and perimeter of those shapes. Lastly we did the same thing on a paper that we were given but we had to use a ruler to find the numbers of how many centimeters a shape was.
L.I to make a silhouette.
Today we made a silhouette, a silhouette is the image of a person, animal, object or scene represented as a solid shape of a single color, usually black, with its edges matching the outline of the subject. First we had to choose an image of a city withe lots of tall buildings and skyscrapers. Then we had to cover the buildings with shapes. After that we remove the image and have our silhouette. Lastly we had to choose between a sunrise or a sunset for our silhouette.
Today we made a silhouette, a silhouette is the image of a person, animal, object or scene represented as a solid shape of a single color, usually black, with its edges matching the outline of the subject. First we had to choose an image of a city withe lots of tall buildings and skyscrapers. Then we had to cover the buildings with shapes. After that we remove the image and have our silhouette. Lastly we had to choose between a sunrise or a sunset for our silhouette.
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