In summer the weather is hot and the temperature is likely to be around 20 to 33 degrees. In some countries it is even more. In the south pole summer starts around October and in the north pole summer starts around may.

Autumn comes after summer and before winter. In autumn leaves start to change colour, they change to red, yellow and brown. In autumn the leaves start to fall of trees. They fall of trees in autumn so new leaves can grow in the spring.
Winter is the time when its snowing at most places, some country's don't get snow because of their location but it will still be cold. winter is caused when the earth's axis is tilted.

Trees and bushes lost their leaves over the winter begin to grow leaves again and also flower in spring. This happens because the temperature of the air and soil starts to warm up and the hours of daylight increase as days get longer with the coming of spring.

World weather pattern
Due to global warming and the green house effect, the world weather patterns and seasons are changing.