I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
For cybersmart we learned about netiquette and etiquette. Netiquette it the set of rules for how to behave online and etiquette is a code of conduct for having good manners and treating other with respect. For our must do we had to make a simple google draw and write five netiquette rules.
L.I to prove that an organism is living by using MRS. GREN
Today for inquiry we had to pick a organism and prove that the organism is living and make a video about it in our groups. First we planned everything on a google slide and then made a video.
Kiwi can
First we went inside and sat in three lines one for the girls and two for the boys. Then we played out energizer. We had to make lines and at the back of the cone and had to find a partner to sand on the other side the first person to grab the cone won. After that we talked about accountability and what it means. Then we went into out activity, we played a game People had to be not able to see stuff and there we balls everywhere and they had to pick it up and put it in the hoop the team with the most balls won. Lastly we went back to the class.
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
L.I to learn how to play whai.
Today we learned how to play Maori string game called whai in English it's called there are no rules for this game you just have to make thing out of a string. Some of then were easy and some of them were hard for me the hardest on I have done is the cup and saucer.
Today we learned how to play Maori string game called whai in English it's called there are no rules for this game you just have to make thing out of a string. Some of then were easy and some of them were hard for me the hardest on I have done is the cup and saucer.
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Today I commented on my friend Andrew's blog post about the different types of fractions . Although he did a really good job on his DLO he did not write what we had to do this week.
L.I to fractions decimals and percentages.
For maths we learned about different types of fractions, decimals and percentages. There were two new fractions that we learnt about, they were improper fractions and mixed number fractions. Improper fractions are fractions that are written improperly like 10/3 and mixed number fractions are written with a whole and a piece of a whole like 2 4/3. For our must do we had to find equivalents of some fractions, say what type of fraction it is and show what materials we used.
For maths we learned about different types of fractions, decimals and percentages. There were two new fractions that we learnt about, they were improper fractions and mixed number fractions. Improper fractions are fractions that are written improperly like 10/3 and mixed number fractions are written with a whole and a piece of a whole like 2 4/3. For our must do we had to find equivalents of some fractions, say what type of fraction it is and show what materials we used.
Thursday, 21 June 2018
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
For inquiry we continued learning about the circulatory system and the respiratory system. We went into our inquiry groups and did tasks and tried to get credits for our groups. Link to the work we've done
First for Maori we read a book with fireodie called ngake and whaitaitai the taniwha of wellington harbor. Then we told us to go on you tube and watch a video about how to weave a fish and we made it to. video to how to weave a fish
Kiwi can
L.I to account accountability
Today we went to kiwi can. First we sat in a circle and had a talk. After that we played our energizer, it was a game called shark attack. There were two people as sharks and four hula hoops. First we had to walk until Ms. Lily says shark attack as soon as she says shark attack we had to get in the hoop, the number of the hula hoops decreased. Then we played the activity it was hand soccer. There were two teams with twelve people and we had to number ourselves one to twelve Ms. Lily called a number and the person who was that number had to touch the cone and score a goal between the cones. Then Ms. Lily called two or three people at a time. Lastly we got into our points we got eighteen which was not that good.
Today I commented on my friend Alisha's blog post about fractions He did a really great job on his blog post.
L.I to learn about synonyms.
. For writing we learnt about synonyms. Synonyms are words that have the same
meaning but are written differently. For our must do we chose three words and found
some different words that mean the same.
meaning but are written differently. For our must do we chose three words and found
some different words that mean the same.
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
L.I to recognize the whole of an object, a part of an object and equal parts and their names.
For maths we learnt about fractions, the numerator and the denominator. The numerator is the top part of a fraction and it tells how many pieces you have got from the fraction. The denominator is the bottom part of a fraction and it tells the total pieces of the fraction. Lastly fractions are a numerical quantity that is no the whole number.
For maths we learnt about fractions, the numerator and the denominator. The numerator is the top part of a fraction and it tells how many pieces you have got from the fraction. The denominator is the bottom part of a fraction and it tells the total pieces of the fraction. Lastly fractions are a numerical quantity that is no the whole number.
Thursday, 14 June 2018
L.I to explain how to use the Japanese and the Lattice method for multiplication.
Today I did maths. It was about explaining how to use the Japanese and the Lattice method for multiplication. We multiplied two digit numbers.
Today I did writing. It was on writing a poem from your letters of first name. After that we had to make it a better poem.
Today I did inquiry. We went in our groups and learned about the respiratory system and the circulatory system. We did tasks to get credits for our group so we could buy questions for the quiz. Here is the link to the song for song lyrics
Kiwi sport
Today we went to the court to do our kiwi sport with Hamish. First we played a game of
rippa rush but with no ball, this time the defending team only had to get the rips of the
running team. After that Hamish talked about how to defend when you don't have the
ball you could make a wall, it will be hard for the attacking team to break though. Then
we played a game of rippa rugby, this time we couldn’t pass the ball forward. There
were three teams. When my team was defending we made a wall.
rippa rush but with no ball, this time the defending team only had to get the rips of the
running team. After that Hamish talked about how to defend when you don't have the
ball you could make a wall, it will be hard for the attacking team to break though. Then
we played a game of rippa rugby, this time we couldn’t pass the ball forward. There
were three teams. When my team was defending we made a wall.
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Today we did Maori. First we sang a song about the stars of matariki. Then fireodeie gave us a paper with Maori words and we had to find the words that were written on the top. After that we went on
you tube and watch a video called together in love a legend of matariki. Link to the video together in love a legend of matariki
Kiwi can
Today we went to kiwi can. We have a new topic it is accountability it means being
responsible and telling the truth.First we went inside and sat in five lines. After that we
played our energizer it was copy me Ms Lily had some tasks written on the board with
the numbers and letters we had to pick some cards from Ms. Lily and whichever
number or letter we got we did that task. After that that we played the activity we had to
find a partner and we had four fruit names which were apple, banana, orange, and
watermelon. Orange was speed working, apple was crawling through your partner's
legs, watermelon was lifting you partner up and banana was going in front of your
partner. Lastly we answered some general knowledge questions.
Today I commented on my friend Alisha's blog post about kiwi can He did a really great job on his blog post.
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
L.I to self monitor understanding the meaning of words and phrases
Today we read a book called why do our muscles get tired and self monitor the words and phrases don't understand. We wrote down the words we don't understand on a google doc and research the meaning. After that we had to make a video about what that book was talking about and some of the new word we learned.
Link to my video
Today we read a book called why do our muscles get tired and self monitor the words and phrases don't understand. We wrote down the words we don't understand on a google doc and research the meaning. After that we had to make a video about what that book was talking about and some of the new word we learned.
Link to my video
Friday, 8 June 2018
Current events
Today I did current events. I went to to a website called kiwi kids news and found an article to talk about for current events I chose an a named Real Madrid win Champions League .
This week for inquiry we learnt about a new system which was the respiratory system. We did tasks with our group about respiratory system the to get credits.
Today I did my maths we had to write a script about some of the things we have been doing, What I am proud of and I we have to work on same as maths and reading
Today I did my maths we had to write a script about some of the things we have been doing, What I am proud of and I we have to work on same as maths
Today I did my maths we had to write a script about some of the things we have been doing, What I am proud of and I we have to work on.
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Kiwi sport
L.I to kiwi sport rippa rugby.
Today we went to do kiwi sport with Hamish. First we had a match between two teams.
After that we learnt two new skill which were sidestepping and spinning. rugby players
use side stepping to trick the defenders first you go the strait where the defender is then
you step the way you don't want to go and then you can go the way you want to. The
spinning is very useful in rippa rugby this skill is same as sidestepping but when you
go the way you want you can spin to avoid getting ripped.

Today we went to do kiwi sport with Hamish. First we had a match between two teams.
After that we learnt two new skill which were sidestepping and spinning. rugby players
use side stepping to trick the defenders first you go the strait where the defender is then
you step the way you don't want to go and then you can go the way you want to. The
spinning is very useful in rippa rugby this skill is same as sidestepping but when you
go the way you want you can spin to avoid getting ripped.
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Today we did Maori and we learnt about the stars of matariki and when they appear.
The names of the stars are Matariki, Waiti, Waita, Tupuanuku, Tupuarangi,
Waipunarangi and Ururangi. You can see the stars on maori new year which is on the
fifteenth of June. There are many stories of the stars of matariki here are some.
The names of the stars are Matariki, Waiti, Waita, Tupuanuku, Tupuarangi,
Waipunarangi and Ururangi. You can see the stars on maori new year which is on the
fifteenth of June. There are many stories of the stars of matariki here are some.
Kiwi can
Today we went to kiwi can. First we went inside and sat in four lines. After that we
talked about how to be good role models and when you have been a role model.
Then we jumped into our energizer it was ball guard. In that game we had to use
a ball and spread our legs, then we started playing the game We had to stop the ball
from going in between our legs and we could only defend with one hand. After
playing our energizer we went into our activity it was silent. In the game we chose a
leader Ms. Lily gave us a dig dice and we had to roll it and whichever number we had
to the task that was written on the board Like I you if number four you would have to
do fortnight dances. Then we went straight into our points we got fifteen which was sad. It was really fun.
talked about how to be good role models and when you have been a role model.
Then we jumped into our energizer it was ball guard. In that game we had to use
a ball and spread our legs, then we started playing the game We had to stop the ball
from going in between our legs and we could only defend with one hand. After
playing our energizer we went into our activity it was silent. In the game we chose a
leader Ms. Lily gave us a dig dice and we had to roll it and whichever number we had
to the task that was written on the board Like I you if number four you would have to
do fortnight dances. Then we went straight into our points we got fifteen which was sad. It was really fun.
Monday, 4 June 2018
Today I did my writing. It was on writing an explanation. First we chose out topics mine was on football.Then we used a planner to plan everything out. After that we went on a google draw and wrote a explanation about football.
Samoan language week
This week was Samoan language week. LS1 went to up to LS2 to learn some basic Samoan language and to work together to make a DLO about one of the traditions in Samoa like the tatau (tattoo) The ava ceremony.
L.I to identify advantages in shopping in-person and online.
Today I did my cybersmart t it was identifying The advantages in shopping online and in person and some thing that we can buy online and in person like if you want to buy a ps4 online you could buy it from the warehouse website. The advantage in Shopping online is that you don't have to go anywhere and the disadvantage in Shopping online is that you can get easily scammed.
The advantage in Shopping in person is that you can not get scammed easily and the is disadvantage in Shopping in person is that you have to go to the place walking or by transport.
Today I did my cybersmart t it was identifying The advantages in shopping online and in person and some thing that we can buy online and in person like if you want to buy a ps4 online you could buy it from the warehouse website. The advantage in Shopping online is that you don't have to go anywhere and the disadvantage in Shopping online is that you can get easily scammed.
The advantage in Shopping in person is that you can not get scammed easily and the is disadvantage in Shopping in person is that you have to go to the place walking or by transport.
Friday, 1 June 2018
L.I to inquiry quiz tasks.
This week we continued with learning about nutrition and the digestive system here
are the tasks I did with my group.
are the tasks I did with my group.
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