L.I to presenting our activist slides.
This week for inquiry we presented our activist slides that we've been working on for the last three weeks in our groups. Our activist was David Grossman, he is and Israeli anther and a activist since 1983-2016 and is 64 years old.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Facts about New Zealand
L.I to learn new facts about New Zealand.
This week for the summer learning journey on of the activities is talking about the facts that you didn't know about New Zealand. Here are my three facts. The first fact about New Zealand is that it has Southernmost capital in the world which is Wellington. The second fact I didn't know was that New Zealand is the first country to see the sun everyday. The third and last fact I didn't know was that New Zealand has more golf courses and book shops when you compare it to any other country's population.
This week for the summer learning journey on of the activities is talking about the facts that you didn't know about New Zealand. Here are my three facts. The first fact about New Zealand is that it has Southernmost capital in the world which is Wellington. The second fact I didn't know was that New Zealand is the first country to see the sun everyday. The third and last fact I didn't know was that New Zealand has more golf courses and book shops when you compare it to any other country's population.
Friday, 14 December 2018
LI to understand rhyme.
This week for our writing must do we created a end rhyme using Twas the night before Christmas rhyme as our inspiration. My rhyme is three stanzas long and have four sentences in a stanza.
This week for our writing must do we created a end rhyme using Twas the night before Christmas rhyme as our inspiration. My rhyme is three stanzas long and have four sentences in a stanza.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
L.I to Finding places in New Zealand.
This week for our Maori must do FireOdi wrote down names of places in New Zealand in Maori, and we had to search it on google maps or Maori dictionary to find out what their English name was and also in which one of the two Islands that place was in.
This week for our Maori must do FireOdi wrote down names of places in New Zealand in Maori, and we had to search it on google maps or Maori dictionary to find out what their English name was and also in which one of the two Islands that place was in.
Friday, 7 December 2018
Steampunk art
L.I to creating steampunk art.
This week LS1 went up to LS2 to do steampunk art. Steampunk art is when you take something living and put parts, metal or technology on it. Here are mine

This week LS1 went up to LS2 to do steampunk art. Steampunk art is when you take something living and put parts, metal or technology on it. Here are mine
L.I to do subtraction with different languages.
This week for maths I did subtraction, but there was a twist. For subtraction had to do it three different languages in three different languages. I choose English, Spanich and Hindi. The most fun language for me was Spanish.
This week for maths I did subtraction, but there was a twist. For subtraction had to do it three different languages in three different languages. I choose English, Spanich and Hindi. The most fun language for me was Spanish.
L.I to find and make examples of words.
This week for reading we did find,draw, animate, act with words we didn't know. For this activity we worked in groups of three, the people that I worked with were Matthew and Mojtaba. First we picked a word and searched up the meaning of it, then we put it on the slide that we thought was suitable for the word.
L.I to David Grossman
This week for inquiry we had to pick a person to research about in groups. The person we choose was David Grossman. David Grossman is an fiction book author that was born in Jerusalem, Israel in 1954. He has won a lot of awards including the Israel prize which is the State's highest cultural honor.
Link to our slide
This week for inquiry we had to pick a person to research about in groups. The person we choose was David Grossman. David Grossman is an fiction book author that was born in Jerusalem, Israel in 1954. He has won a lot of awards including the Israel prize which is the State's highest cultural honor.
Link to our slide
L.I to to understand the conflict and resolution of a fiction text.
This week for writing we watched a movie, it was called Horton hears a who. This movie was about an elephant named Horton who finds a spec and discovers the town of Whoville. Our must do was to do a plot diagram about is and write down the conflicts and what could have changed the conflicts in Horton's perspective and in Whoville perspective.
This week for writing we watched a movie, it was called Horton hears a who. This movie was about an elephant named Horton who finds a spec and discovers the town of Whoville. Our must do was to do a plot diagram about is and write down the conflicts and what could have changed the conflicts in Horton's perspective and in Whoville perspective.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Kiwi sport
L.I to to our last boxing session.
Today was our last boxing session. First we got into partners and did warm ups, the warm ups were ten punches and a bur pie, then twenty punches and a bur pie and so on up to fifty. The first combo we learnt was jab, cross, guard, uppercut left hook The second combo was jab,cross, left hook, bridge, cross. The third and last combo was jab, cross, left hook, roll, left hook. After that we did a little revision of what we did for the past six weeks, lastly we took a team photo.
Today was our last boxing session. First we got into partners and did warm ups, the warm ups were ten punches and a bur pie, then twenty punches and a bur pie and so on up to fifty. The first combo we learnt was jab, cross, guard, uppercut left hook The second combo was jab,cross, left hook, bridge, cross. The third and last combo was jab, cross, left hook, roll, left hook. After that we did a little revision of what we did for the past six weeks, lastly we took a team photo.
Friday, 30 November 2018
L.I to explore some definitions of peace.
This week for inquiry we looked at peace and what it means. First we made groups of five, in my groups were Zepplin,Xavier, David and Alisha. First we wrote antonyms and synonyms of peace, then we split our groups up into pairs or into groups of three to do the next activity. The next activity was to write down words that describe nine pictures and also write sentences with the word. Lastly we created a google draw writing about what peace means to us and why.
This week for inquiry we looked at peace and what it means. First we made groups of five, in my groups were Zepplin,Xavier, David and Alisha. First we wrote antonyms and synonyms of peace, then we split our groups up into pairs or into groups of three to do the next activity. The next activity was to write down words that describe nine pictures and also write sentences with the word. Lastly we created a google draw writing about what peace means to us and why.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
L.I to understand conflict and resolution in a fiction text.
This week for writing we did the same thing with the different book. The name of the book was the Grinch that stole Christmas, this story was about a Grinch that didn't like Christmas and he stole every Christmas thing from a town named Whoville, then he realized what Christmas was all about and gave everything back. The main conflict was character vs society.
This week for writing we did the same thing with the different book. The name of the book was the Grinch that stole Christmas, this story was about a Grinch that didn't like Christmas and he stole every Christmas thing from a town named Whoville, then he realized what Christmas was all about and gave everything back. The main conflict was character vs society.
L.I to learn counter attacks.
This week for boxing we leaned about counter attacks. First we got into partners, my partner was Alisha. The first counter attack we learned was guard,jab and cross, then second one was bridge, left hook cross, for the bridge we had to slide back and then forth to do the punches. The third counter attack was the slide, we did the punched depending on the side we slid through if left then our counter was a left hook if we slid to the right our counter was a cross. The last move was the U- roll then the left hook or the right hook depending on the side we roll to again.
This week for boxing we leaned about counter attacks. First we got into partners, my partner was Alisha. The first counter attack we learned was guard,jab and cross, then second one was bridge, left hook cross, for the bridge we had to slide back and then forth to do the punches. The third counter attack was the slide, we did the punched depending on the side we slid through if left then our counter was a left hook if we slid to the right our counter was a cross. The last move was the U- roll then the left hook or the right hook depending on the side we roll to again.
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
L.I to recall how to surf the internet safely.
This week for cybesrmart we learned about mart surfing through the internet. For this we went to a website to play multiple games that had questions about how we can stay safe on the internet. Our cybersmat must do was to write a quiz about mart surfing and things to avoid on the internet.
This week for cybesrmart we learned about mart surfing through the internet. For this we went to a website to play multiple games that had questions about how we can stay safe on the internet. Our cybersmat must do was to write a quiz about mart surfing and things to avoid on the internet.
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
L.I to infer thoughts and emotions.
This week for reading we did inferring but from thoughts and emotions, we did this from a Video called For the birds. The first inferring that we did was with our groups and the rest by our selves. We did it by taking screen shots of the parts that we felt we could infer from and also adding a link from the time we inferred from.
This week for reading we did inferring but from thoughts and emotions, we did this from a Video called For the birds. The first inferring that we did was with our groups and the rest by our selves. We did it by taking screen shots of the parts that we felt we could infer from and also adding a link from the time we inferred from.
Friday, 23 November 2018
L.I to understand plot summery.
This week for writing Mr. Ogilvie read a book from Dr. Seuss called The Lorax, we learned the different conflicts in this story. Our must do was to writ the plot the story and the main conflict in the story which was the Once-ler vs The Lorax.
This week for writing Mr. Ogilvie read a book from Dr. Seuss called The Lorax, we learned the different conflicts in this story. Our must do was to writ the plot the story and the main conflict in the story which was the Once-ler vs The Lorax.
Thursday, 22 November 2018
L.I to Place value and multiplication.
This week we had four choices of things to do, Multiplication,division, addition and subtraction. I chose multiplication and we also chose what platform we wanted to do it on, I chose Slide. The must do for multiplication was do solve problems with place value.
This week we had four choices of things to do, Multiplication,division, addition and subtraction. I chose multiplication and we also chose what platform we wanted to do it on, I chose Slide. The must do for multiplication was do solve problems with place value.
L.I to learn about trench warfare.
This week for inquiry we learned about trench warfare and also how life was for soldiers in the trench, the medical problems and No Man's land which is in the middle of both of the trenches and was used to go to the enemy's side.
This week for inquiry we learned about trench warfare and also how life was for soldiers in the trench, the medical problems and No Man's land which is in the middle of both of the trenches and was used to go to the enemy's side.
Kiwi Soprt
L.I to Learn defense moves in boxing.
Today for our boxing session we learned about defense moves to block punches. First we got into partners, my partner was Xavier and he was the first one to do the moves so I got an noodle. The first move was the guard, in this move when your partner hits you, you have to go up with your hands to cover your head. The next move was the bridge, in this move we had to slide back with our right foot followed by our left foot. The last move was the U duck, in this move our partner put the noodle on our shoulders and we had to duck under foaming the letter U.
Today for our boxing session we learned about defense moves to block punches. First we got into partners, my partner was Xavier and he was the first one to do the moves so I got an noodle. The first move was the guard, in this move when your partner hits you, you have to go up with your hands to cover your head. The next move was the bridge, in this move we had to slide back with our right foot followed by our left foot. The last move was the U duck, in this move our partner put the noodle on our shoulders and we had to duck under foaming the letter U.
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
L.I to How to say Maori the names of different foods.
This week for Maori we learned how to say some food words in Maori language. First we got into partners and my partner was Alizai. The foods that we were given were coffee, Cake, tea and biscuit.
This week for Maori we learned how to say some food words in Maori language. First we got into partners and my partner was Alizai. The foods that we were given were coffee, Cake, tea and biscuit.
Friday, 16 November 2018
L.I to do punch combinations.
This week for boxing we did punch combinations. First we got into partners, my partner was Oscar, we did rock, paper, Scissors to see who would do the combinations first [Oscar beat me so he went first] After that Pax set us a challenge to do in 30 seconds, she said to help your partner put on boxing gloves and sit down, then the other partner got two noodles so the partner with gloves could practice the punch combos. The first combo was jab, jab, cross, this we a easy one because we learnt it in our first session. The second combo was jab, cross, left hook and right hook, the third one was jab, cross and left hook. The last one was all the punches into one combo, jab, punch, left hook, right hook, left uppercut and right uppercut. this combo was really easy for me because you only need to remember the punches.
This week for boxing we did punch combinations. First we got into partners, my partner was Oscar, we did rock, paper, Scissors to see who would do the combinations first [Oscar beat me so he went first] After that Pax set us a challenge to do in 30 seconds, she said to help your partner put on boxing gloves and sit down, then the other partner got two noodles so the partner with gloves could practice the punch combos. The first combo was jab, jab, cross, this we a easy one because we learnt it in our first session. The second combo was jab, cross, left hook and right hook, the third one was jab, cross and left hook. The last one was all the punches into one combo, jab, punch, left hook, right hook, left uppercut and right uppercut. this combo was really easy for me because you only need to remember the punches.
Kiwi Can
L.I to learn about respecting our community.
Today we went to Kiwi Can. First we went and sat down in four lines. After that we talked abut our topic which was respect for our community. Then we had our energiser, which was a game called remote. In this game Mr. Matt would call some of the functions of a remote like play and we had to do it, there were also some functions that were not on a remote and if you did then you were out. After that we had a talk about how we can respect our community and the things that are in our community. Lastly it was activity time, the game was invisible rugby In this game we had two teams and Mr. Matt calls a number and that number of people run from the line and go to the our own try line, Then Mr. Matt calls the name of the person and the opposing team had to tag that person to get the invisible ball and run to the other try line.
Today we went to Kiwi Can. First we went and sat down in four lines. After that we talked abut our topic which was respect for our community. Then we had our energiser, which was a game called remote. In this game Mr. Matt would call some of the functions of a remote like play and we had to do it, there were also some functions that were not on a remote and if you did then you were out. After that we had a talk about how we can respect our community and the things that are in our community. Lastly it was activity time, the game was invisible rugby In this game we had two teams and Mr. Matt calls a number and that number of people run from the line and go to the our own try line, Then Mr. Matt calls the name of the person and the opposing team had to tag that person to get the invisible ball and run to the other try line.
Touch inter school
L.I to play touch.
This week on Tuesday we had our touch inter school, in our team were ten people and our coach was Ms. Daf. We won only one game out of six winning to panmure district and losing to Tamaki primary three times. They try scores from my team were Leroy, Akuhata and Sione T.
This week on Tuesday we had our touch inter school, in our team were ten people and our coach was Ms. Daf. We won only one game out of six winning to panmure district and losing to Tamaki primary three times. They try scores from my team were Leroy, Akuhata and Sione T.
Art work
L.I to creating art.
This week I created my three types of art. Those were the Max Gimblett art, the Christmas art and the Armistice day art. The Max Gimblett are was the biggest and the funnest to do because it was done with paint, I did my Max Gimblett with blue and green because they represent the Fiji flag, for the Armistice day on I did a poppy because it is used to remember the people that lost their lives in the war and lastly for the Christmas on I did a Christmas tree, put some presents under it and did a red and green swoosh.
This week I created my three types of art. Those were the Max Gimblett art, the Christmas art and the Armistice day art. The Max Gimblett are was the biggest and the funnest to do because it was done with paint, I did my Max Gimblett with blue and green because they represent the Fiji flag, for the Armistice day on I did a poppy because it is used to remember the people that lost their lives in the war and lastly for the Christmas on I did a Christmas tree, put some presents under it and did a red and green swoosh.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
L.I to make a DLO about a man and a whale called Paikea.
This week for Maori we made a DLO about Paikea. Paikea was originally a whale's name in a Maori story. and the man changed his name to Paikea too when the whale saved him after he was pushed by his brother because his brother was jealous of him. So the whale took him to Aotearoa [New Zealand]
This week for Maori we made a DLO about Paikea. Paikea was originally a whale's name in a Maori story. and the man changed his name to Paikea too when the whale saved him after he was pushed by his brother because his brother was jealous of him. So the whale took him to Aotearoa [New Zealand]
Friday, 9 November 2018
Max Gimblett art work
L.I to learn about Max Gimblett.
This wee we learned about max Gimblett and his art work. He is a New Zealand artist that was born in December 5, 1935. For our must do we had to create three artworks like Max Gimblett's. One for armistice day, one for Christmas and one art work like his.
This wee we learned about max Gimblett and his art work. He is a New Zealand artist that was born in December 5, 1935. For our must do we had to create three artworks like Max Gimblett's. One for armistice day, one for Christmas and one art work like his.
Friday, 2 November 2018
L.I to write question.
This week for maths we got in a group of three and and make questions with the fractions 1/3, 1/4 and 1/5. My partners were David and Alisha, I did my question with 1/4 with Messi and Ronaldo about how many Ballon,d'ors they've won.
This week for maths we got in a group of three and and make questions with the fractions 1/3, 1/4 and 1/5. My partners were David and Alisha, I did my question with 1/4 with Messi and Ronaldo about how many Ballon,d'ors they've won.
L.I to learn about the weapons used and war that happened in World war one.
This week we looked at the weapons and the battles of World war 1, we also looked at the difference of war before World war 1 and World war one itself. For our must do we had to finish two slides one slide with the weapons and other technology in world war one and the timeline of the wars.
This week we looked at the weapons and the battles of World war 1, we also looked at the difference of war before World war 1 and World war one itself. For our must do we had to finish two slides one slide with the weapons and other technology in world war one and the timeline of the wars.
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Kiwi can
L.I to Respect.
Today we went to kiwi can. We didn't go last week because the Kiwi Can teachers were not there. Fist we went in and sat down and talked about our topic and row we can respect our school. After that it was time for our energizer, the game was called middle ball. To start off we mad a circle, Then Ms. Page numbered us from one to four and a soccer ball was placed in the middle. We had to run around the circle one then back to our places and try to get the ball.
After we played the game, we had a talk about respect and school rules. We also had a talk about breaking school rules and if we like or don't like the school rules. Later we it was time for our activity, it was called bus stop. In this game There were five categories, Boy name, girl name, food, animals and colours. Mr. Matt called a letter and one person from your has to write tings in ever Category with that letter. Lastly we got our points and went back to class.
Today we went to kiwi can. We didn't go last week because the Kiwi Can teachers were not there. Fist we went in and sat down and talked about our topic and row we can respect our school. After that it was time for our energizer, the game was called middle ball. To start off we mad a circle, Then Ms. Page numbered us from one to four and a soccer ball was placed in the middle. We had to run around the circle one then back to our places and try to get the ball.
After we played the game, we had a talk about respect and school rules. We also had a talk about breaking school rules and if we like or don't like the school rules. Later we it was time for our activity, it was called bus stop. In this game There were five categories, Boy name, girl name, food, animals and colours. Mr. Matt called a letter and one person from your has to write tings in ever Category with that letter. Lastly we got our points and went back to class.
Friday, 26 October 2018
L.I to learn about the gimmicks that companies use.
This week for cybersmart we finished our smart media slides. we had to write about how companies attract customers and how we use media.
This week for cybersmart we finished our smart media slides. we had to write about how companies attract customers and how we use media.
L.I to learn multiplication strategies.
This week for maths we filled put a google form of what topic we wanted to go over again. I choose multiplication because I wanted to learn more strategies.
This week for maths we filled put a google form of what topic we wanted to go over again. I choose multiplication because I wanted to learn more strategies.
Line tag recont
L.I to write a recount tin 40 minutes.
This week for writing we played a game of line tag and wrote two recounts of it in forty minutes to see how much we could write in forty minutes. I finished both of them, and I thank that my second one was the best because it had more details and it was more specific.
Here are my recounts.
This week for writing we played a game of line tag and wrote two recounts of it in forty minutes to see how much we could write in forty minutes. I finished both of them, and I thank that my second one was the best because it had more details and it was more specific.
Here are my recounts.
Line tag the Game
On Tuesday, 23 of October 2018 Mr Ogilvie's writing groups went outside to the court to play a cool game called line tag, for doing a recount on the game.
First Mr Ogilvie told us to take of our jumper, put our hats on and line up outside. Then we went up to the Whale and Mr Ogilvie told us about the must do. After that we split into two teams, team one and team two I was in team one. Soon after Ms. Daf drew arrows so we can see which way we were allowed to go. Later started playing the game, team two were the taggers first.
When the runner is tagged by the opposing team Mr Ogilvie yells tag so the next person can run straight away and so there will not be any confusion.In round one team one won with the time of 3 minutes and 12 seconds and the opposing team with 1 minute and 49 seconds. But unfortunately in round two my team team one lost with the time of 2 minutes and 45 seconds and team two with 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
I felt tired and also hot. Overall I really liked this game and want it to play again because it is a really fun game.
Line tag one of the coolest games ever!
On tuesday, 23 of october 2018. Mr ogilvie's writing groups went up to the school court to play a game called line tag to do a recount on the game and also have some fun.
First Mr ogilvie instructed us to take our jumpers off, get our hats and put it on and line up outside. After that we went to the court and sat down on the wale and talked about what we were going to do. Then we formed two groups group one and group two. Soon after Ms. Daf drew arrows so the tagging team knew which way they could run.
After everything was ready we started playing. My team team one were running first in in and we beat the opposing with the time of 3 minutes and 12 seconds to 1 minute and 49 seconds. After we won round one with such a long time I thought that we were going to beat team two again easily. But unfortunately I was wrong and we lost with the time of 2 minutes and 45 seconds to 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
After the game I was feeling really hot, thirsty and tired. I enjoyed line tag and think that it is one of the coolest games I’ve ever in my opinion because it includes teamwork and you need to strategize where you’re going to go and how you are going to avoid the taggers in order to get the most time and win.
M.A.I .N
L.I to learn about M. A. I. N.
This week for inquiry we M. A. I. N, it stands for Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism and also the causes to world war 1. First we watched three videos about world war one and the cause which was Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Our must do was to copy and paste the meanings of M. A. I. N with the person that you worked with last week.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Painted hoe
L.I to conflict and resolution.
This week for Reading we did the same thing but with a new book called Painted Hoe. It is a book about Maori culture and boats, and the book was non fiction so it was harder to do a conflict and resolution so we had to infer what the conflict and resolution was for this story. My connection is the German's from world war 1 because they wanted to get more land and extend their country.
This week for Reading we did the same thing but with a new book called Painted Hoe. It is a book about Maori culture and boats, and the book was non fiction so it was harder to do a conflict and resolution so we had to infer what the conflict and resolution was for this story. My connection is the German's from world war 1 because they wanted to get more land and extend their country.
L.I to learn about boxing.
Today we did our first session of boxing with our instructor Pax. First we went into the hall and Pax went over the three commandments, They were Respect, Discipline and Safety. Then we started our session with putting our gloves on and finding a partner, after that we learned the boxing stance the rock. We put one leg in front and the other at the back and bent our knees to have more grip on the ground also put both of our hand under our eyes and the elbow straight down to our stomach so we can protect it.
Soon after we learned the stance we learned two new punches the jab and cross.The jab is a straight punch with the hand that is in front. For the cross you punch with the hand furthest away and your body moves sideways except for you head and you front leg to generate more power. After learning those moves we combined it together and tested it with our partners softly.
Today we did our first session of boxing with our instructor Pax. First we went into the hall and Pax went over the three commandments, They were Respect, Discipline and Safety. Then we started our session with putting our gloves on and finding a partner, after that we learned the boxing stance the rock. We put one leg in front and the other at the back and bent our knees to have more grip on the ground also put both of our hand under our eyes and the elbow straight down to our stomach so we can protect it.
Soon after we learned the stance we learned two new punches the jab and cross.The jab is a straight punch with the hand that is in front. For the cross you punch with the hand furthest away and your body moves sideways except for you head and you front leg to generate more power. After learning those moves we combined it together and tested it with our partners softly.
Friday, 19 October 2018
L.I to learn about the causes of WW1.
This week for inquiry we looked at the causes of WW1 {world war 1} First we got into partners, my partner was andrew. Then into groups for the vocabulary task. The vocabulary task was about the main things in WW1 like the treaty of Versailles and we had to find the meaning of it. After that in partners we had to put the events and the timeline in order.
This week for inquiry we looked at the causes of WW1 {world war 1} First we got into partners, my partner was andrew. Then into groups for the vocabulary task. The vocabulary task was about the main things in WW1 like the treaty of Versailles and we had to find the meaning of it. After that in partners we had to put the events and the timeline in order.
L.I to learning about data.
This week for maths we had a survey to fill for which things of maths we wanted to go through again. I choose graphs. The must do was to write about what you learned and make a activity for people to do.
Here is the link to the activity, you can make a copy of it and do it. Graph activity
This week for maths we had a survey to fill for which things of maths we wanted to go through again. I choose graphs. The must do was to write about what you learned and make a activity for people to do.
Here is the link to the activity, you can make a copy of it and do it. Graph activity
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
L.I to learn about Maori history.
This week for Maori we learned about Maori history, the first person who found it ant the tribes all over New Zealand. The person who found New Zealand first was a person named Kupe around 950 - 1200.
He came to New Zealand with his boat following the southern cross.
This week for Maori we learned about Maori history, the first person who found it ant the tribes all over New Zealand. The person who found New Zealand first was a person named Kupe around 950 - 1200.
He came to New Zealand with his boat following the southern cross.
Kiwi Can
L.I to Respect.
This term for kiwi can we have a new theme it is Respect and this week's topic was respecting our School. First we went inside and had a talk about what our theme and topic was. Then we played out energizer, it was tag with no rules and tat with rules. In no rules tag you could tag anyone even if you got tagged and there was no tagger and with rules tag it was the opposite. After that we had a talk about respect and how we could respect our school.
Soon after we had our activity, it was a role play of being respectful and non respectful. my group choose respectful, the role play was about sharing food with two new students that didn't have food. Lastly we had are round of GKQ master. But unfortunately we did not get our points because it was starting from next week.
This term for kiwi can we have a new theme it is Respect and this week's topic was respecting our School. First we went inside and had a talk about what our theme and topic was. Then we played out energizer, it was tag with no rules and tat with rules. In no rules tag you could tag anyone even if you got tagged and there was no tagger and with rules tag it was the opposite. After that we had a talk about respect and how we could respect our school.
Soon after we had our activity, it was a role play of being respectful and non respectful. my group choose respectful, the role play was about sharing food with two new students that didn't have food. Lastly we had are round of GKQ master. But unfortunately we did not get our points because it was starting from next week.
L.I to learn about media gimmicks.
This week for Cybersmart we learned about gimmicks in media. To do that we played a game, it was about the gimmicks they use to advertise cereals. Our must do was to write about those gimmicks and what they do to keep people coming for more.
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
L.I to analyse a story for its conflict and resolution.
This week for reading we read a book called sparks. Sparks is a book about two brothers Dillon and Harley Their mom and dad and a scooter. On Dillon's seventh birthday he got a new scooter that shoots sparks. Harley wants to have a go on his new scooter.
The conflict is that mom tells dad that Harley should have a go and dad says that its too early to share because its only been two days since Dillon got it. Then mom and dad have a argument about if he should share and if he doesn't.
This week for reading we read a book called sparks. Sparks is a book about two brothers Dillon and Harley Their mom and dad and a scooter. On Dillon's seventh birthday he got a new scooter that shoots sparks. Harley wants to have a go on his new scooter.
The conflict is that mom tells dad that Harley should have a go and dad says that its too early to share because its only been two days since Dillon got it. Then mom and dad have a argument about if he should share and if he doesn't.
The resolution was that the Scooter had gone missing and no one could ride it. My text to text connection for this book is Hal Jordan from the green lantern cartoon when he took Larfleeze's orange lantern battery and only wanted to keep it for himself. But in this case Dillon wouldn't share his scooter with anyone.
Thursday, 4 October 2018
L.I to make walls.
This week for inquiry we had to build walls and see how many hits it can resist from a catapult. We had four different types of walls to choose from, Rammed earth wall, castle wall, stone wall and, palisade wall, my group choose castle wall and rammed earth wall. we built our rammed earth wall with sand and our castle wall with stone and sand.
This week for inquiry we had to build walls and see how many hits it can resist from a catapult. We had four different types of walls to choose from, Rammed earth wall, castle wall, stone wall and, palisade wall, my group choose castle wall and rammed earth wall. we built our rammed earth wall with sand and our castle wall with stone and sand.
Friday, 28 September 2018
L.I to identify the purpose of narratives.
This week for reading we were working with the books that we used last week to make a video with our same partners. My partner was Giovanni, we created a video about our book born to fly and the main character Johnny Pohe .He was a great pilot that fought in world war two and died in 1944. Here is the video.
This week for reading we were working with the books that we used last week to make a video with our same partners. My partner was Giovanni, we created a video about our book born to fly and the main character Johnny Pohe .He was a great pilot that fought in world war two and died in 1944. Here is the video.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
L.I to write a procedural text.
This week for writing we had to write a procedural text about something you know how to do. I choose to write a procedural text about how to make a cup of tea.
This week for writing we had to write a procedural text about something you know how to do. I choose to write a procedural text about how to make a cup of tea.
L.I to get better at swimming.
Today was thew last week for swimming. We started off with a kicking practice with a board, to do this our face needed to be in the water to move. Then we had swimming on back and sculling like a jelly fish. After that we did swimming under water to get the ring, we had to go jump up and then go down to get to the bottom to the the ring. For the last activity we had a horse race, everyone had to get in pairs and got a noodle. After that one person had to be the horse that run to the finish line and the other person had to be at the back and their feet had to be off the water.
Today was thew last week for swimming. We started off with a kicking practice with a board, to do this our face needed to be in the water to move. Then we had swimming on back and sculling like a jelly fish. After that we did swimming under water to get the ring, we had to go jump up and then go down to get to the bottom to the the ring. For the last activity we had a horse race, everyone had to get in pairs and got a noodle. After that one person had to be the horse that run to the finish line and the other person had to be at the back and their feet had to be off the water.
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