
Thursday 16 January 2020

Helpful websites

L.I to list websites that were helpful to you

For this task I listed the website that were helpful to me through the year. The websites that were helpful to me were The LS1 class site, DK Find Out and math is fun.


  1. Ahiahi Mārie Vayan,

    Kueni here from the Summer Learning Journey. I have been enjoying reading some of your blog posts this afternoon, you are doing an amazing job!

    What an awesome post you have together today about some of the websites you find useful for your learning. I really like the 3 websites you have chosen, I have never heard of DK Find out! before, I might go have a play on that website today maybe.

    Are these websites you mostly use at school, or do you use some of these to help support you at home as well?

    Keep up the hard work,
    Kueni :)

  2. Which is the most useful digital platform Vayan? Are there others you would of included in the list if you could??? Keep blogging and commenting - the SLJ closes on 24th Jan.
