
Friday 31 August 2018


L.I to Evaluating your contribution.

For Inquiry we were given four types of technology to choose for the game, our choices were ladder, catapult, trebuchet and cannon. So the invaders have a chance of winning. First we made a Presentation about the weapon and have two historical examples. Then we had to present it to the class to get our technology and everyone had to contribute.


L.I to learn new swimming skills.

Today the year 5's went for swimming. First we each wore life jackets and sat at the edge of the pool. Then James and Kelly taught us a new type of pencil dive where you hold your line jacket where your arms come out of and cover your mouth and nose. This technique is really good if you are diving in freezing cold water. Because when you get in cold water you will get cold shock, and when you get cold shock your mouth will open and there is a chance that water can get in After that we learnt how to make a chain, first we held on to the life jacket of the person in front of you and kick your legs on the sides. Lastly we tried out throwing our life jackets, jumping into the water and wearing it in the water.

Wednesday 29 August 2018


Today I Commented on my friend Xavier blog post and I like how he describes and explains what happen.


This week I did multiplication tables up to 10 to get better at my times tables.

Kiwi Can

L.I to show resilience.

Today we went to kiwi Can. It was the last week for our topic problem solving, from next week we will have a new topic. First we went in and sat down in front of Mr. Matt. Then we played the energizer, the name was emergency. In that game you only need a few hula hoops and two teams. One player from each team will try to get to the enemy's start line to get points, when two players collide do rock, paper, scissors to see who advances.

After that we had a talk about our topic and what it means. Later we went in to our activity, the name was Matt doge ball. It was the same game as last week and it was fun. Mr. Matt numbered us one to four, the number ones, twos, threes and fours faced each other and the the person who won from each number faced each other. After that we played GKQ master. Lastly we got our points.

Friday 24 August 2018


For typing I tried out dancing mat typing level one. I tells you about basic typing skills.


Today I commented on my friends blog post about angles, he did really good job on explaining how he did it.


L.I to learn about earthworks fortification and examples in history.

For inquiry we made a presentation about hill forts. First we had to get into groups of four, my partners were Spelman, Hosea and Juel. Then we played a board game, there were two teams in the game the invaders and the defenders. The defenders had to protect their treasure and the invaders had to get the treasure. In the game your could fight your enemy when it's your turn, for example if the invading team wants to attack, both the person playing with the invading and the defending team had to roll the dice and if the person that attacked wins the other teams player is dead.

Then we we were given three choices of technology, a rampart, trench or a hill fort. We had to chose one of those peaces of technology, my group chose hill fort. After that we made a slide presentation and had to present in to the class to get the technology.

Mahishasura and Durga

L.I to make a DLO about Mahishasura and durga.

For reading we were given four stories to choose, they were  mahishasura-and-durga form IndiaCuchulainn from IrelandLac-long-quan from Vietnam and Izanagi-and-Izanami from Japan and Make a DLO teaching about the story and the lesson this story teaches people.

The DLO had to include an animation, an audio or the video.I chose Mahishasura and Durga, It was pretty easy because we could work in partners, my partner was Xavier. 

Thursday 23 August 2018

Narrative august

L.I to writing a narrative For writing we wrote a narrative in forty minutes and then edited it to make it better. we used the information our slides and the google draw to write it and used paragraphs. Here is the story.

Long ago there was a villain called killer sting.He wanted to conquer the world, but it wasn't easy him, a fighter named ben. He had mystical powers, and always beat the villain sometimes easily and sometimes barely. These mystical powers were passed down generation by generation. The fighter in the present day Brandon decided to go to the 100 years in to the future with a time machine. When the fighter arrived he saw a world with robots that served humans and floating hoverboards. He was so amazed by the technology that he almost fainted.

The people had to do nothing but just relax. After seven hours of decision making he decided to stay. The villain in brandon’s original timeline saw that he wasn’t there, he laughs hahaha and started planning his attack. In the future Brandon is relaxing in peace. The villain attacked. It only took him half of a day to destroy half of the world.

Brandon’s workers went into the future and tried to convince him to come back they also said that the villain has destroyed half of the world.Brandon replied it’s no use going back he has already destroyed half of the world, but he didn't know that if the villain destroyed the present, the future would not exist. In a day he destroyed the world in the present. As soon as  he destroyed the present, the future was destroyed too and there was nothing left.

The end.


L.I to learn how to rescue a person.

Today we went for swimming. First we sat on the side of the pool. Then we learned how to rescue a person. When you try to rescue a person you should lay down on your stomach and throw something so the person that is drowning can hold on to it.

 After that we learned how top stay in deep water if your legs don't touch the ground.You move in a circle with your legs and stick you fingers together, go thumbs up and thumbs down. Lastly we dived in by putting one leg as far as possible from the pool's edge.


L.I to Measure angles.

This week for maths we were given a piece of paper with angles printed on them and a protractor. First Mr. Ogilvie told us to get into groups of four, I teamed up with Lukah, Matthew and Xavier. Then we measured the angles one by one and shared the right answer with our groups and got it checked by Mr. Ogilvie.
How to use a protractor: First you line it up where the lines cross over, and then you measure the angle.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Problem solving with kiwi Can.

L.I to problem solving.

Today we went to kiwi Can. We had a new topic this week, it was problem solving. First we played our energizer, the name was human knot. we made two teams and formed a circle, then we had to hold hands with two people in your team to form a human knot. We had to co-operate and solve untie the human knot. The first team to untie the knot wins, the team that I was in won both rounds.

 After that we had a talk about our topic and what it means. After that we had our main activity, it was Mr. Matt doge ball. Mr. Matt numbered us one to four, the number ones, twos, threes and fours faced each other and the the person who won from each number faced each other. Later we went into some GKQ's. Lastly we got our points.

L.I to learn about the sky tower.

Today LS1 went to the sky tower to learn about it. First we watched a video about the sky tower like when it was built, how much it cost, ect. After that we went up to all the way to level 51 for the tour. When we arrived on level 51 Mr. Wong gave us a paper and pencil to loom for landmarks and write their names. Later we

Sunday 19 August 2018


Today I did keyboarding to improve on how I was typing. I went through level 1 it was a bit hard.

Descriptive writing

L.I to make a description better.

This week we learned how to make a description better. On the left hand side we copied and pasted some words form our previous two slides. Lastly we had to write an exiting description.

Tables conga

L.I to learn your times tables.

Today I did my maths can do's.We had to pick a game that had to do with our times tables,I picked tables conga.

Friday 17 August 2018


Today I commented on my friend Akuhata's blog post about bridge. He did a really great job on his blog post. But I think that he needs to put more blurb.



L.I to learn about Maui.

This week for reading we learned about Maui. Maui is the great culture hero and trickster in Polynesian mythology. For our must do we had to make a DLO about the lessons that a Maui story teaches people.



L.I to find out about bridges

This week for inquiry we had to make a map showing ten different bridges five bridges from New Zealand and five bridges in the around the world. We gathered and put information about each bridge. The bridges that I chose are the Grafton Bridge, Fairfield Bridge, Edith Cavell Bridge, 
Panmure Bridge, Auckland Harbour Bridge,Golden Gate Bridge, Sydney Harbor Bridge, 
Millau viaduct, Danyang Bridge and the Tower Bridge.


Today we went for swimming. First we sat at the edge of the pool where our instructors were. They told us how to swim back to shore when a rip pulls to the ocean. They also told us to never get angry at a life guard when they kick you out because they are doing it foe your safety. Then we went to our instructors for our different levels. I was in level 1, my instructor was Kelly. She taught us a lot of things like sculling. When you do sculling you have to make sure that your body is straight because if your if body is not straight you will drown. The second thing is that your always have to look up so your legs can float on the surface. Lastly you had to stick your fingers together and move it across the water thumbs up thumbs down.

Tuesday 14 August 2018


L.I to Measure angles

For maths this week we learned about 5 different angles. An acute angle, obtuse angle, straight angle, reflex angle and right angle. A acute angle is between 0 to 90° if more than that it will be a obtuse angle. A straight angle is exactly straight and is 180°. A right angle is half of a straight angle which is 90° and is a corner of a square. A reflex angle is more than 180° and is less than 360°. Lastly a obtuse angle is bigger than a right angle which is 90° and smaller than 180°.

Friday 10 August 2018


L.I to understand the purpose of the information presented in media.

For cybersmat we took two photos of ourselves one school image and one friends and family image. Then we had to write words to describe the pohoto. Lastly we had to go on a website called word cloud and paste all the words there and take a screenshot of it and put it on your slide.

Setting planner

L.I to plan a setting for your narritive.

Today I did my writing. we had to plan a setting on this slide. we went through three slides and answered them. we answered questions like what time is it on , where is the setting and what type of place is it.


L.I to write a DLO about the tengu and the lessons that tengu stories teach people.

For our reading e learned about a Japanese myth called the tengu.  First we read a story on our class site. Then we answered a few questions about the story. After that we had to find more stories about the tengu. Lastly we had to make a DLO  about tengu and what tengu stories teach people. Link to the stories  Story 1     Story 2

Thursday 9 August 2018


L.I to compare the panmure bridge and an international bridge.

This week for inquiry we had to work in partners my partner was Giovanni and compare the panmure bridge to a international bridge we chose the golden gate bridge, we had to compare the length,height, width,cost, the materials that were used to make it and what type of bridge it is.


Today we went for swimming. First we changed in the school and put our uniform back on, then lined up to get on the bus withe Mr. Wong. After that we arrived and went to the pool there we took of our uniform and sat on the edge of the pool, there we met three instructors for three levels level 1,2 and three they taught us about hypothermia and hyperthermia. hypothermia is caused when you are in cold weather you could get in , the sighs of hypothermia are, lips turn blue and teeth chattering, and the sighs hyperthermia are, walking funny, you wont make scene when you talk and you will be confused. later we went into our instructors I was in level one so my instructor was Kelly, she taught us how to float on our back and how to sculling on a board. Lastly we got changed into our school uniform, got on the bus and headed back for school.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Kiwi can

L.I to learn about resilience.

Today we went to kiwi can, first we sat in four lines and  we talked about our theme and topic were. After that we went into our energizer, our energizer was snach, it is a game that involves a long rope  and cones. First the music goes on and we all had to dance, when the music stops we had to run and pick a cone inside the circle made withe the rope. Later we talked about how to reach you goals, how someone or something can stop you from achieving you goals and how you can avoid it. Then we went into our activity, it was octopus, in that game we start with one tagger and we have to get to the other side if you get tagged you are stuck and you are a tagger too. Lastly we did some GKQ's and got our points.

Tuesday 7 August 2018


Today I commented on my friend Andrew's blog post about 3D shapes He did a really great job on his blog post.

3D shapes

L.I to make 3D shapes with toothpicks and glue tack.

This week for our must do we had to make  3D shapes with toothpicks and tack. But first we had to find a partner in your group, my partner was Andrew. Altogether we made 5 shapes.

Sunday 5 August 2018

Maths animation

L.I to solve multiplication and division problems that involve fractions

This week for maths we had to create a google slide with a animation. First we had to choose a multiplication problem that involved a fraction and a number, I chose 15x1/4. Then we had to colour in the boxes showing the fraction. After that we moved coloured boxes. Lastly we got the final answer.