
Friday 29 November 2019


L.I to advertise our company

We are advertising our company and frames for our market day on the 29 of November 2019. The advertisements could make were an poster, a brochure or a video. My group created a poster to let people know what we were selling.

Kiwi Sport

L.I to  to play doubles tennis

Doubles tennis is when two players play against another two players. Both players on each team should have turns at hitting the ball. The person closer to the ball should hit the ball. We practiced playing doubles.

Just frame it

L.I to create a name and logo for LS1's company

For our school gala day LS1 made frames. for the past weeks we have been learning about business and enterprise for this event.  Here is my frame.

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Athletics day

L.I to athletics day

We were divided into four teams. We ha to try to win as many games as we can. The games we played were Lilly pad gladiator, rob the nest, long jump, sponge relay, shot put, hoola hoops, bean bag race, egg and spoon race and the frizbie frenzie.


L.I to comment on other peoples blogs

I commented on Lukah's blog post about athletics day.

Kiwi Sport

L.I to Learn different sports

We learnt how to Serve in tennis. Our coach told us that you always have to serve diagonally. For the serve, we start with the tennis racket and the ball in front of then then we had to slowly put up the ball and the racket going back. The when we reach her top we had to throw the ball up into the air and hit it with the racket.


L.I to novel study

We were given a certain chapter to read up to. For my task I did an author study about Roald Dahl.

Kiwi Can

L.I to respect others for their differences

In Kiwi Can we learnt about respecting others. Respecting others means to respect other peoples beliefs, ideas and customs. One way of being respectful is thinking about what you are going to say before you say it because it might be rude or offensive to someone. Our activity was spot the difference. in pairs one person had to change one thing about their appearance, while the other person was not looking. After each round we had to swap roles.

Tuesday 26 November 2019


LI: to use statistical and scientific methods to study the effect of wing span and area on lift.

We had to choose a new type of plane and a new design, we had to choose from a glider, dart or a stunt plane type. We had to gent in a group, throw our planes and measure the distance it fly's, then we had to find the average distance that the plane flew.


L.I to identify the parts of a narrative

We started picking our characters and settings for our narrative. Then we had to write a character and setting description about each of our characters and settings. We had one male, one female character, a Los Angeles setting, a abandoned farm setting and a area 51 setting.

Thursday 21 November 2019


L.I to balance the supply and demand foe profit

We played the coffee shop game. In this game we had just opened our own coffee shop and we had 14 days to make as much money as possible. We were given $30 to spend to stock up for the first day, we had to buy the cups, coffee, sugar and the milk before every day to serve coffee. We could also adjust the about of coffee, the creaminess, sugar, milk and the price we sell it at. Each day we had a different weather forecast, so we had to adjust the price depending on that. There would me more or less costumers depending on our reputation. If we had a good reputation there would be more costumers and if we had a bad reputation there would be less customers.

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Kiwi Can

L.I to respect

Our theme is respect and out topic is patience. Patience is waiting calmly without complaining about something. For our activity we had to make a line and grab hold of the person in front of ours shoulders, then when the person at the back of us squeezed our shoulders we had to squeeze the person in front of our shoulders.


L.I to learn to play the poi

We learnt how to play the poi, the poi is a instrument and a weapon used by the Maori people. We learnt how to play songs with it and the moves/actions as well it. Our this this week was to translate the words of the song we sang when we were playing the poi.

Friday 15 November 2019


L.I to investigate figurative language

We had to pick a setting of our choice. Then we had to write a tell sentence and a show sentence for our setting. We had to write what we felt, smelt, felt, head and tasted, we added figurative to our show sentence to be more descriptive.


L.I to use statistical and scientific methods to study the effect on wingspan and area on lift

We learnt how to make graphs to study how far each plane travels. We had 10 variations of planes to test, which ranged from a 2 cm wingspan to a 20 cm wingspan. The plane that traveled the shortest distance was the 2 cm plane, the plane that traveled the furthest distance was the 18 cm plane.

 Our interpretation is that the bigger the wingspan the further the plane goes but when it reaches a certain limit the plane will not go as far as the others. I think one of our mistakes was that some of the planes were thrown harder than others for example the 18 cm plane and the 14 cm plane.

Thursday 14 November 2019

Food print

L.I to learn about how a business works

We had a special guest here to talk about her business , her name was Michal. Her business is been open for six months now. Michal opened her business because of the food waste problem. Over one third of the food we produce is wasted which is about 1.3 billion tonnes of food.

 All this wastes releases methane which leads to climate change. FoodPrint is a app that provides foods at lower prices instead of it being wasted. Michal's business is a social enterprise which means that it is a full profit business that is helping the planet and people as well. There are over 250 cafe's partnered with her company.


L.I to learn about macrons in Maori

In this session we learnt about macrons in the Maori language. Macrons are used to stretch a sound for example ata mārie which has a sign at the top that means to drag the sound. One of our tasks was to translate synonyms of bye in the Maori dictionary and find where the macrons are.


L.I to Respect

Our theme was respect and our topic was restful communication. Our energizer was called one hand showdown. I this game we had to pick an amount of fingers from one hand and our opponent would do the same, the person that added up and said the number firs won and advanced to the next round.
In our activity we had to dance until the music stopped and then we had to try and pick up a come from the ground to advance to the next round.

Maniakalani film festival:

I watched the film stuck in scratch by Point England School. It was a really good movie and I liked the way that they used scratch.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

2019 Manaikalani film festival: New Zealand

I watched the New Zealand movie from Tamaki primary. It was telling us to keep New Zealand clean.

Friday 8 November 2019


L.I to investigate figurative language

We looked at figurative language. Figurative language is when you say something that does not have a literal meaning. We had to take three character from our previous slide that we did, take a trait of that character and write different types of figurative language about it. The types of figurative language used were, personification, metaphor, simile and hyperbole.

Kiwi Sport

L.I to learn how to play tennis

In this session we learnt about volleys in tennis. A volley is when you hit the ball without it touching the ground first. We had to hit the ball while it was in the air a many times as possible, my highest was six times.

Thursday 7 November 2019

Kiwi Can

L.I to respectful communication

Our theme was respect and our topic was respectful communication. Respectful communication is when you communicate politely or kindly with someone, it can be any type of communication. Our activity was animal squire where we had to sing a song about the sound that the animal that our Kiwi Can leader gave to us.

Friday 1 November 2019


L.I to novel study

This week we read from chapter six to eight. We had to complete one activity to blog about. The activity that I did was the character web activity. For this task we needed to answer questions about one character, the character that I did was the witch.


L.I to identify the parts of a narrative

We created a slide to show the different types of figurative language and example of how to use them. There are five types of figurative language which are hyperbole, understatement, metaphor, personification and simile.