
Monday 21 December 2020

Which one doesn't belong

 L.I to find out which one doesn't belong


 For this activity we had to find out which one of the pictures doesn't belong and give a number of reasons why for why each one doesn't belong with the other pictures. We were also tasked to make our own Which one doesn't belong  and challenge other to find the differences.

Thursday 17 December 2020

Te Reo Maori

 L.I to arrange the words in the correct order

For this task we arranged the Maori words to create a sentence, the question was "What are you doing today?" We chose on of he activities that was in one of the slides prior and find an image to show wat the activity is.

Blog comment

 L.I to write a quality blog comment on someone else’s blog that starts a rich learning conversation.

For this task we learnt how to make quality comments, comments are important because they allow u to engage in a learning conversation with other students on our blogs. I commented on Lukah's blog about how he created an insect with things like leaves, flowers, twigs, etc.


Wednesday 16 December 2020

Fishy false teeth

 LI: To create your own comic strip of an imaginary conversation.

My comic strip shows the conversation I imagine these two people had after one of the men had sneezed his teeth into the sea during a fishing trip. This activity was interesting because we had to think of what they were saying ourselves.

Kowhaiwhai pattern

LI: To create a kowhaiwhai pattern to represent summer

Today I learnt that when it is very hot and the air is shimmering Tānerore performs the haka for his mother, Hine-Raumati. This happens in summer as the land heats up. Our challenge was to think about this while we designed our own kowhaiwhai pattern to represent summer. My pattern shows a boat going out of the safe zone to fish and get food.

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Insect art

 For this challenge we created insect art out of leaves, twigs, flowers and things that we could find on the ground. The insect I made was a beetle, I used a pear as the head and for the body and wings I used orange & green leaves.

Sunday 6 December 2020

Holiday Christmas tree

 L.I to decorate the Christmas tree with our decorations

This week we finished our holiday decorations for our school Christmas tree that we have been working on this term, these decorations represent the different people in Panmure bridge. We went to the office and hung our decorations on, they looked really good on our Christmas tree. 

Saturday 5 December 2020

Design technology challenge

L.I to design holiday decorations

This term we have been learning about Design technology in order to make felt holiday decoration for our school Christmas tree. Today we evaluated on our product to find out the positives, improvements, the things we could change and other questions which asked us about our experience about the sowing. If we do this next time I think I could do smaller stitches and add more stuffing for my decoration.

Thursday 3 December 2020


 L.I to work out chance

This week for maths we learnt about probability, probability is the chance of something happening. To expand our knowledge we made a DLO about one of the questions we did and explain how we worked it out. The question that we solved was about the chance that a person could pick the same two flowers out of a bag, there were 6 frangipani and 4 tiare taina that made the chances of her pulling a frangipani 6/10 and the chances of her pulling out a tiare taina 4/10. When she picked a second time the chances would be the same (6/10 for frangipani and 4/10 for tiare taina) After we have done that we multiply the chances to get the answers, first you multiply 6/10 by 6/10 (the chances of pulling two frangipani's) The answer we get is 36/100. After that we multiply 4/10 by 6/10 (the chances of pulling a tiare taina and frangipani) Then we multiply 6/10 by 4/10 (the chances of pulling a frangipani and a tiare taina) Lastly you multiply 4/10 by 4/10 (the chances of pulling two frangipani's) Finally we add 36/100 and 16/100 ( the chances that two of the same flowers are pulled) Which gives us 52/100.

Monday 30 November 2020

Art colourng book - Step it up challenge

 L.I to use TEEL paragraphs to explain out colour choice

Last week I completed the step it up challenge from the summer learning journey activities. The purpose of this task was to explain our colour choice using the language and vocabulary we learnt from watching the informational video. I used the TEEL paragraph structure to help me explain my thinking. The painting that I chose was "The veteran in a new field" I used bright colours for the clothes and sky to make it pop out.


Friday 27 November 2020


 L.I to learn how leaves make food

This was our last tech session for the term. We learnt about how plants make their own food. To make their own food plants need leaves, they then need Water, Sunlight and Carbon Dioxide. Plants get water from rain. They get Carbon Dioxide from humans when we breathe out and plants take it in, and sunlight comes from the sun. Once these three ingredients are gathers plants can star making food,n this process is called photosynthesis which happens in the leaves.T

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Art colouring book

 L.I to experiment with colours


This morning we tried one of this year’s Summer Learning Journey activities. The purpose of this task was to experiment with colours by mixing colours from the original palette with pop colours. This allowed us to recolours famous painting or images of landmarks around the world. I liked doing this activity because you can personalize the paintings by adding colours of your choice. The painting that I customized was was "The Veteran in a new field" by Winslow Homer, this painting was created in 1865. 

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Book Club

 LI: to unpack the text together

Chris, Lukah, Fau, Sulia, Afatia, Azatulah and I were introduced to the activity, Book Club by Mrs Anderson.  Each member of the book club has a role to take each week. The 7 roles are, The Discussion Director, Connector, Summarize, Passage Picker, Word Master, Illustrator and Meeting Report. The book that we read this week was called “Bok Choy” by Paul Mason. The moral of the story was describing the differences between the Chinese people compared to the Englishman. This was basically unpacking how racism was around those days and how it affected others. From this story we learnt to accept one another despite who we are and how we look. Once we have completed the tasks for our roles, we report back to the group and share our thoughts and ideas. .The Discussion Director’s asked questions and guided everybody to be on the right track. The Summarize, picked 20 most important words from the story, to 6, and used it to summarize the text. The Passage Picker would pick a part of the story and write why it’s important to you. The connector had to make connections to themselves, to text, and to the world from the book. I enjoyed how we shared our thinking and perspectives about the text.  

Monday 23 November 2020

Te Whanau Raukura Performance

 L.I to learn about the Maori culture

Today we had a performance from the Te Whanau Raukura group who perform at the Auckland museum. They came to perform cultural Maori dances, teach us the meaning behind the dances and why they do them. We also showcased some of the items and weapons that they use, the first one was the taiaha which is a long spear type weapon that the Maori people used in battle. The second item they showed us were the rakau sticks which is used to play games with. The last item they showed us was the poi which is an item that use use your wrists to swing.

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Exploring our national current events

 L.I to identify the author's purpose

Authors write for a purpose (reason). These reasons are to persuade, inform or entertain (PIE). Each day, newspaper editors around the world must make decisions about what stories they will run. We explored different current events that are happening in New Zealand, thought about why this story was made by the news and plotted a location on a google map. I found interesting that some residents in Hawke's bay are getting dirty brown water.

Provocation: Should masks be compulsory on public transport

 L.I to identify and consider the two perspectives of this provocation to help me form an opinion

A provocation is an action or speech triggers strong feelings about a topic. Today we considered both sides of the provocation 'Should masks be compulsory on NZ public transport?' We then used that information to help us form an opinion that we could justify with evidence. My opinion is that masks should be mandatory because it help stop the transmission of Covid - 19.


Thursday 12 November 2020

The light

 L.I to understand the narrative in the poem

Today for reading we learnt about the poem called The Charge of the Light Brigade which was written by Alfred Tennyson it is a ballad poem a ballad poem is a poem that tells a story. the Light Brigade is a poem it about is about a Crimean war that lasted for 11 months. At the war there were 600 men who had no choice but to join even if they were to survive or die. The Crimean war were fought by the British and Turkish forces against the Russia, the war was fought due to Russian pressure of turkey. 


 LI:  To explain how we solved our maths equations.

For Maths we worked in mixed math groups to practice our team skills and to help us explain how we solved these word problems. The topic of these word problems were about Metric Measurements, which was more specifically about weight and mass. The word problem was about the ingredients and the weight of these ingredients. We had to find the weight of the missing ingredient by adding up the weight of the ingredients we knew, and subtracting it from the weight of the whole food. 

Friday 16 October 2020

Design process flow chart

 L.I to create a flow chart about the design process

This term for inquiry our topic is design process. This week we made a a flow chart that informs others  about the design process and information on designing a product.


 LI: to use transitional vocab

This week we have been revising explanation writing. Next week is our assessment week so we did this collaborative challenge to remind ourselves what is needed when we write explanations, our explanation was about our school's CARE values and why they are important for learners In PBS.

Link to explanation

Friday 25 September 2020


 L.I to learn about the highest common factor

This week for maths we learnt about the highest common factor, the highest common multiple is the biggest number that is in the multiple of both and is the opposite of the lowest common multiple. Our task this week was to  make a DLO about what the highest common factor is.


 L.I to learn about the lowest common multiple

This week for maths we learnt about the lowest common multiple, the lowest common multiple is the smallest number which is in the multiple of both for example 21 is the lowest common multiple of 3 and 7. Our task this week was to  make a DLO about what the lowest common factor is.

Thursday 24 September 2020


 L.I to learn about Inertia

This week for reading we were learning about Inertia, the part of science that describes the changes by force, or either being still in rest. Due to force. There are three laws of inertia which are Inertia of Direction, Inertia of Rest and Inertia of Motion. We created a DLO about what Inertia is, and the rules of it. We thought this was really interesting, because we thought it was all just gravity, but there’s more. 


Why it is important to make wise choices

L.I to write an explanation

This week for writing we prepared for our writing test. We did this by writing and explanation about why it is important to make wise choices with the topic of our choice. In my explanation I talked about drugs, why people take drugs and the consequences.

Drugs are a substance that is not food, water or oxygen, like most things there is a good and a bad side to drugs. The good types of drugs help people get better and support the body, these types of drugs include Panadol, Antibiotics, asthma inhalers, etc. The bad types of drugs cause people harm, it causes brain damage, changes their appearance and causes them to hallucinate ( Imagine something that is not actually there) 

People take drugs usually because they want to forget something, but the effects wear off after a certain amount of time. That  causes people to want more therefore getting addicted to them and that leads to bad choices being made. In New Zealand there are three different classes of drugs, Class A, Class B and Class C. These classes are different levels of drugs, they all have different consequences. You can get punished for having them in possession or making them.

If you are caught with A class drugs which are the most harmful drugs you could spend up to six months in jail, getting caught distributing them you could spend life in prison. With B class drugs you can spend three months in jail, distribution of these and you could spend 14 years in prison. Getting caught with C class drugs will make you spend about three months in prison as well, distribution of these drugs and you’ll be spending eight years in prison.

As you now know drugs can be good or bad, Some countries aren't as generous though, having drugs in countries like Indonesia will get you executed. It comes up to our choices that can prevent us from going the wrong way.

Wednesday 23 September 2020


L.I To think deeply about a change I would make

If I was prime minister I  would make public transport cheaper for people over 55 because some elderlies don't have a source of income.  



 LI: To decide which political party will get your vote by making an informed choice 

To decide which political party I would vote for I read a summary of the policies each party wants to introduce should they win the election and the right to form a government to run NZ. Doing this allowed me to make an informed decision. If I was 18 I would vote for Labour because I like the way that they handled the  Covid - 19 pandemic and kept the damage to minimum. I also like how they are providing wage subsidy for the employees that lost their jobs and giving tax relief to businesses that are being affected. This means if Labour Won the election in my electorate Jenny Salesa would be our member of parliament and Jacinda Ardern would become the Prime Minister. Something I found interesting was that today there are 120 members of parliament compare to 37 in 1854.

Monday 21 September 2020

Dare to make a choice

 L.I to strengthen the ability to make positive life choices

This week we learned about Legal and illegal drugs, Legal means something that is approved by the law and Illegal means something that is banned by the law. Legal drugs are medicine, asthma pumps, etc and Illegal drugs are the ones that are bad for your body physically and mentally. Our task was to make a DLO about the things we learnt about drugs and and the effects it has on you. 

Thursday 17 September 2020

Mahts challenge

L.I to solve the problem

This week for maths we made a DLO about a question about how many face masks a airline company would need for all the flights. On the DLO we explained how to solve the question step by step.


L.I to explain what a Whakatauki means

A Whakatauki is a saying that reflects a thought, advice and or values. For our task we chose a Whakatauki and explained the meaning behind it.


L.I to create a map of the locations of New Zealand

For this task we created a map of the locations of New Zealand in Maori. We also explained what the names of the locations meant, for example Wangarei means to lie and wait.

Maori/ English app

L.I to create an app for others to learn Te Reo Maori

We made a app that helps people learn the Maori language. In our app we hat four categories which to learn, they were time greetings, days of the week and technology. Each of these categories had 3 questions, if you get them right you go to the next question and if you got it wrong you either could try again or go on to the next question.

Maori language week history

L.I to learn about Maori language weeks history

For this task we looked into the history of Maori language. We researched about how Maori language week came to be and the reasons why we have Maori language in schools.

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Tuakana Teina

L.I to create art with room 1 and 2

This week it is Maori language week so we created art with the juniors. We helped the juniors create their art. First we helped them draw in chalk on black paper, after that we glued on top of the drawing with string. I liked doing this because we got to help the juniors.

Friday 11 September 2020

Cool to be me

L.I to make a DLO about why it is cool to be me

This week we did the DARE program which is awareness of bad thing. One  of the tasks we did was to explain why it's cool to be me. In this DLO we wrote about qualities I look for in fiends, Something that you wish, qualities in me, my best friends, my favorite foods, my goals, If I were someone who would I be and fun things I like doing.

Family tree

L.I to make a family tree

For the Te Reo challenge this week we created a family tree and write their names in Mori. My family tree incuded my great grandparents, grandparents, parents, uncles, aunties and me.


LI: To look for evidence in the data/an image and infer what might be happening

This week for reading we looked at biology, biology is the study of living organisms. For this task we looked at science and how it is empirical. This means that science based on observations (an observation is closely watching someone or thing) We made a video explaining how science is empirical and the task we did.

Link to video


L.I to understand the meaning behind MRS C GREN

For Reading we continued learning about Science. This week our topic was about Biology, biology is the study of living organisms like humans, animals and micro organisms. We were learning about MRS C GREN. MRS C GREN is the life process for living organisms. They stand for movement, repatriation, Sensitivity, Cells Reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition. We worked in groups to to make this DLO.

Thursday 10 September 2020

Sunflower Paintings

LI: to paint a still life of sunflowers in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.

For Art we were painting sunflowers, in the style of Vincent Van Gogh. While painting we had to keep a lot of things in mind, to keep our paintings looking good. Our most important rule was to draw what we could see. Before actually painting we started practicing our toning, shading, and our brush strokes. We were also advised to blend our colors, stroke in one direction, don’t overload the brush with paint, and to make layers of paint to make a realistic looking sunflower.

Friday 4 September 2020


L.I to Learn about science

From this term we moved on to a new tech rotation which was science, out teacher was Mrs' Sharma. This week our topic was being a scientist, this is where we learnt about the equipment in science like the measuring beaker, test tubes, Bunsen burner,etc. We got our own books to record our projects on. Since our topic was scientists we talked about what do you know about scientists, what do scientists do and have you ever thought about being a scientist. For our task we also asked a question about science, my question was how the sun was created.

Thursday 3 September 2020

Duffy book in school

This week we got our book from Duffy of our choice. A big thank you to Duffy for providing the books for our school. The books that I chose were Star Wars Jedi academy attack of the furball and Amulet book seven. Duffy books in schools help us to read more and make us better at reading. I am looking forward to what happens in book seven the thew characters visit Algos island.

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Vincent Van Gogh Timeline

L.I to to create a timeline to show the life of Vincent Van Gogh

We created a padlet that explained the life of Vincent Van Gogh and his milestones in time order. Vincent Van Gogh was a post impressionist which meant he made paintings to capture a moment in time. Vincent Van Gogh used colours depending on his emotions, when he was moody he use dark colours and when he was happy he used bright colours.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Natural disasters - Earthquake

L.I to learn about earthquakes

This week we learnt about a natural disaster of our choice, we chose do the the Earthquake. Our task was to make a DLO explaining what an Earthquake is, how it is formed and what you need to do, when there is an Earthquake you should follow the drop, cover and hold.

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Natural disasters - Tsunami

L.I to learn about natural disasters

This week we learnt about a natural disaster of our choice, we chose do the the tsunami. Our task was to make a DLO explaining what a tsunami is, how it is formed and what you need to do when there is a tsunami look for higher ground or go inland.

Tuesday 18 August 2020


L.I to explain why linking an image is important

This week for cybersmart we compared images that link to the topic and images that don't. It is important to link images to the information so the you reader can visualization. If you don't the reader will get confused with you information. Our task was to make a DLO that explains why we should link our images. We also created a vocaroo explaining this.

Famous scientists

For our distance learning this week for reading we did some research on famous scientist. For our reading topic this term we are talking about “What is Science”. We didn’t do any random scientist we could find, we were tasked at finding famous scientist that study/studied one of the four branches of science (geology/astronomy, chemistry, biology  & physics). For physics we chose Albert Einstein, for biology we chose Charles Darwin, for geology/astronomy we chose Charles Lyell, and lastly for chemistry we chose Ernest Rutherford. We also used a question dice to help us find a question to answer for the scientist (e.g: What are they known for?  Why did they study biology?).  We made an interactive slideshow having the main information about the scientist we chose.

Friday 7 August 2020


This week we helped the juniors do a survey, the survey had questions about their reading.


L.I to find out the qualifications I will need for my job

This week for careers we found out about the qualifications needed to be an radiation oncologist. provide radiation treatment and management of patients with cancer and other medical conditions. If I want to do this job I will need to study subjects like Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry and English.

Thursday 6 August 2020

Dance class #1

This term our Kiwi Sport was dance, dance is moving your body to create different movements. Our instructor was Ms. Rebecca. First we did a warm up where we did either a snake, star or stick pose. After that we started dancing around and when the music stopped we stop and made different shapes with other people. Lastly we got into groups and make letters of the alphabet using our bodies.

Life ed

L.I to make the right choices in life

This week LS2 went to life education with  Nichole and Harold the Giraffe about our brains, making right choices in life and more useful things. We also watched a video about a boy named Kapi and how his haoura went from balanced to unbalanced, the reason for this was people mocking him and what he does on his blog. One of our activities we did was describing the on of the four walls of haoura.

Science summary

L.I: To summarize the information.

This week for reading our focus is science. For this second activity my group and I skimmed and scanned our notes and shared ideas to create a collaborative summary explaining ‘what is science?
 We divided our lengthy summary into 3 following paragraphs: an introduction on science, the 4 main categories of science and the two types of science. We used a question dice that helped us with our learning and made us ask questions to help us think about our subject and provide ideas for our summary.


LI: to find our 3 most vital ideas from the information answering the question 'What is Science'

This week for reading our focus is science. In groups we watched a YouTube video explaining physics, chemistry, and biology (the things that are connected to it) and why science is important to us. After watching it twice, my group and I wrote down notes about some of the information that we took and remember from the video. We negotiated on the most important 7 of the notes to separate from the rest. We left 4 of those notes as ‘very important ideas’ and picked out our 3 vital ideas.  In our opinion we thought that the 3 most vital ideas were:
  1. Science is divided into 3 branches, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. 
  2. Basic science is knowing something and applied science is using what we know. 
  3. Science is the knowledge behind every question. 

Thursday 30 July 2020


L.I to create a poster to explain what Haoura is

For Inquiry we are leaning about Hoaura, Haoura is the Maori belief of health that is unique to New Zealand. They consist of four walls which are Taha Tinana which is physical well being, Taha Wairua which is spiritual well being, Taha Hinengaro which is spiritual well being and Taha Wahnau which is social well being. For our task we made a poster about what houra is and the benefits of having the four wall standing.

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Problem solving

L.I to explore problem solving

This week we used problem solving by using tangrams after we lost our internet connection. Tangrams are ancient Chinese puzzles were a way to cure boredom. The tangrams were easy to make only using an A4 paper and a pair of scissors. They consist of seven pieces which are cut in different shapes. we were put together different shapes and animals using these tangrams. We problem solved by listening to the instructions.

Thursday 23 July 2020


L.I to add and subtract negative numbers

This week for maths we learned about negative numbers, they are numbers less than 0. When you subtract negative numbers you get a bigger number and when you add you get a smaller number For our task this week we made a DLO explaining what negative numbers are and how you use them.


L.I to use the 10-5-7-10-10 method to write a story

To the top
Lara let out a gasp as she reached up for the next finger hold. She could feel the sun on her shoulders; only halfway up the climb and her skin was slick with sweat.
When she reached the halfway point Lara lost all hope, then she thought of the intense training that Lara did for a year to get this opportunity of a lifetime to climb the tallest mountain in the world. Getting to the top would not be easy though, she knew that she had to use every muscle in her body to get to the top of Mt. Either.
Lara uses the climbers technique to rest for a bit in order to regain some strength. She started her ascend to the top again but the last 10 metres would be the toughest challenge yet. Lara reached the point where all the other climbers had quit their climb. She was not like them though, Lara went on to the slipperiest and sharpest rocks and had no trouble getting through it.

Finally Lara had done it; she had beaten all the other climbers to the top of MT. Either. In tears of joy she was the happiest she had ever been looking at the beautiful orange sunset. 
This week for writing we did the 10-5-7-10-10 challenge. This is a version of the 5-7-10 challenge but we had more time to plan our writing which made it easier to write.

Wednesday 22 July 2020


L.I to find the most effective UV filter

LS2 have been trialing the electronics sensors for the Kiwrious project. We are working with with Suranga, Sonia, Evan, Dawn and Yevon from Auckland university. Our task was to keep the Zally which is a fictional creature safe, in order for it to grow we had to expose it to white light but it was allergic to UV light.  We tests different materials to see which let in the most light and the least UV light.

Monday 20 July 2020

5, 7, 10 writing

L.I to use the 5, 7, 10 method to write a story

Lightning never strikes twice, does it?
That was the question that occurred in their frightened minds as they crouched, huddling together, next to the pile of dusty sacks in the base of the windmill…

It all began when the family of four went on a road trip to explore their countryside and to visit their Grandpa who was really ill. This wasn’t to be an enjoyable trip though, it was forecasted that there was a thunderstorm on the way, the family had known of this but decided to take the risk anyway. Their parents told the kids not to wander off but the massive space to play was too much to resist, they never had much space to play in their apartment.

They eventually gave up telling them to come inside, not long after that lightning struck the house out of nowhere hitting the Grandfather as a result he was severely burned which ended up killing him. They escaped in sorrow with tears running down to their eyes, the father decided to find shelter in the windmill.

In their minds there was only one question, does lightning strike twice? The family waited for the storm to pass as they waited in fear. It was a grueling six hours but thankfully the storm ended.

This week for writing we used the 5, 7, 10 method to write a story, in this method you first get five minutes to write a story, after that you get feedback from another person about your story and lastly you get 10 minutes write and make changes to your story.

Friday 3 July 2020

Food Tech

L.I to learn how to make Pizza

Today at food tech we followed the recipe to make chicken & Barbecue pizza. The hardest part was dicing the onion because our eyes kept on tearing up. Our ingredients were pasta sauce, wrap bread base, carrot, mushrooms, onion, chicken, cheese and barbecue sauce. The pizza tasted delicious especially with the chicken and barbecue sauce.

Te Reo Challenge

L.I to do the Te Reo challenge

This week for the Te Reo challenge we drew the seven stars of Matariki on a Google Draw, this challenge was inspired by Matariki coming in June.

Thursday 2 July 2020

Matariki Challenge

L.I to Explain What matariki is and why we celebrate it

For our fourth challenge we explained how the Maori People navigated their way to New Zealand and other places in the world. These voyagers used the stars, the sun and nature to go out in the world and find new land, our DLO explains exactly how they used their surroundings to get from place to place.

Matariki Challenge

L.I to Explain What matariki is and why we celebrate it

For our third Matariki challenge we made a DLO about three harvesting tools that is used during the Matariki Harvest. The harvesting tools we chose were the Ko, TImo and the Kaheru, these tools played a big part in getting the crops ready for the harvest. In our DLO we explain what each tools use is.

Optical illusion

L.I to explain what an optical illusion

Mr Johnston came to out class and taught us more about optical illusions, an optical illusion is when your brain gets tricked into seeing something different. Mr Johnston also showed us some famous pieces of optical illusion art like MC Escher's art. We made a DLO about one of the optical illusions and explained how it worked.

Matariki Challenge

L.I to explain what is Matariki and why we celebrate it

For our second Matariki challenge we drew three birds that were a part of the Mttariki for example if they were eaten withe the harvest or had some part to play in it, we gave each birds a description about where they are native to and what they eat. The birds we drew were Common myna Kereru and Tui.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Matariki challenges

L.I to explain what is Matariki and why we celebrate it

This week we are learning about Matariki also known as the Maori new year, during this time the seven stars of Matariki come out.  For our first challenge we made a DLO explaining everything about Matariki like when the stars come out and why it is so important for the Maori culture. 

Optical illusion

L.I to learn about optical illusions

This week Mr Johnston taught as about our eyes and how it works and the things inside your eye which helps us to see. Mr Johnston also taught about optical illusion, an optical illusion is when you eyes and brain get tricked to believe something different. This happens because of too much information in your brain which causes your eyes to see things differently. We made a DLO explaining what an optical illusion is and the different activities we did to test this.

Monday 29 June 2020


L.I to find a job you are interested in

I took the career quest quiz to help me find careers that I am interested in. At the end there were three options and I chose radiation oncologist. This DLO shows things about the job like the pay, what you will do and requirements.

Friday 26 June 2020


L.I to follow the recipe to make sagwala

This week for food technology we made sagwala, sagwala is a Indian spinach dish and is very popular and is eaten with rice. Our ingredients were onion, curry powder, 1 clove garlic, oil, spinach, canned tomatoes and yoghurt. The sagwala was very delicious and went well wth the rice.

Thursday 25 June 2020


L.I to to find the answer to the questions using long division

This week for maths we learned the long division strategy, this strategy is used for dividing big numbers. The rules we had to follow were how many times, multiply, subtract, drop it down repeat and the amount left is the remainder. To practice this skill we did long division questions in our maths book, for our task this week we made a DLO that explained what the long division strategy is.

Tuesday 23 June 2020


L.I to explain how a periscope works

Mr. Johnston came and taught what periscopes are, how they are used and who uses them. We found out that the angle the incidence is the angle of reflection. That means if the light hits the mirror at 45 degrees it reflects the light back at 45 degrees. It was fun because we got to play with a real periscope.

Light facts

L.I to share 5 facts about light that we found interesting

We worked collaboratively to create a DLO that shows facts about light. On fact that that interests me is that only takes eight minutes for light from the sun to travel to the earth.