
Wednesday 23 September 2020


 LI: To decide which political party will get your vote by making an informed choice 

To decide which political party I would vote for I read a summary of the policies each party wants to introduce should they win the election and the right to form a government to run NZ. Doing this allowed me to make an informed decision. If I was 18 I would vote for Labour because I like the way that they handled the  Covid - 19 pandemic and kept the damage to minimum. I also like how they are providing wage subsidy for the employees that lost their jobs and giving tax relief to businesses that are being affected. This means if Labour Won the election in my electorate Jenny Salesa would be our member of parliament and Jacinda Ardern would become the Prime Minister. Something I found interesting was that today there are 120 members of parliament compare to 37 in 1854.

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