
Friday, 26 February 2021

Tech reflection


This week we started our tech sessions at Tamaki Collage, this rotation the year 8's are doing wood carvings with Mr. Grundy. Through our sessions with him we are going to be making objects out of wood for example a helicopter, a shelf, a locomotive, etc... This week we learnt how to make a joint which is the foundation from where we are making our wood objects, we also brainstormed ideas for some of the things we could make.

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Maths DLO

LI: To find the most efficient strategy to answer the question


This week for maths we were given challenge questions to find the most efficient strategy and answer. We were tasked to create a DLO about one of the questions and a screencastify explaining our strategy ad how we got our answer. The question that I explained was: Azatulah was running to train for his rugby league season. His run was 4.6km long. If he has already run 2.78km, how much further does he need to run?

Kapa Haka Tip

 To learn the teachings of our tupuna (ancestors) and the history of New Zealand's native people and their land. 

On Wednesday, 24th of January the boys from LS2 went on a trip to the Auckland Museum to learnt more  about the Maori people, the history, traditional artifacts and their weaponry. First we went to our School hall to meet Matua Ngarimu and Matua Kingi who talked to us about the things we were going to do in the museum, they also told us that there would be a quiz on about the things we learnt about in the museum. 

When we arrived at the museum we had morning tea and worker at the museum informed us about the rules of the museum. Once we finished out morning tea, Matua Ngaimu talked to us about the  us about the weapons that the Maori people used in their wars, examples of this are: The Tewhatewha which is a long weapon used by the chiefs to direct their men in battle and to decapitate their enemies and the Mere which is a shirt weapon used to deal blows to the enemies head. Matua Kingi talked about the Whaenui and the meaning behind the artworks in the Whaenui. When we finished with the museum, we had lunch after a Karakia by Matua Kingi. After that we leant different moves with the taiaha and the Ka Mate haka moves with the taiaha as well.


  • Name of two short weapons
  • Name of two short weapons
  • Maori name of the museum
  • Maori name of the mountain that the museum is on
  • name of the Wharenui
  • The three different types of artworks in the Wharenui

Thursday, 18 February 2021


 L.I to be cybersmart and use our devices to learn, create and share

For this activity we learnt about the Kawa if care and how we should handle and treat our Chromebooks, the Kawa of cars is a set of rules we must follow to take care of our Chromebooks. In order our knowledge of this we filed in the missing words from the rules of Kawa of care poster.  


L,I to be cybersmart and use our devices to, learn, create and share.

This week we learnt about the Keys, Shortcuts and safety guidelines of our Chromebooks, To do this we tested the knowledge by moving the labels to the correct keys. After that we Filled in the the different keys it takes for us to use a curtain shortcut.By doing this we can find out new thing that will hep us in our earning, for example I found that there is a key for highlighting your text.

Friday, 12 February 2021


 L.I to unpack what a leader looks like.

We unpacked the meaning of leadership and what it takes to be a leader. We wrote down the meaning of 4 different words team, leadership, role model, and responsibility which are all good qualities to have as a leader. We listed as many words as possible linked to leadership. Using these words we created a 25 word summary explaining what a leader is. After this we made a collaborative DLO explaining all the subjects we learnt in the session. 

Why is it important to be hydrated

L.I to understand why staying hydrated is important for our health and for our learning.

This week we learnt about hydration and dehydration. Being hydrated means you body has enough fluids to function properly and dehydration means you don’t have enough water for your body to function properly. Our task was to define the meaning of hydration, dehydration and the effects they  have on our body. One fact That I found really interesting was that drinking water helps your digestive system work properly.


Thursday, 11 February 2021

Pie Chart

 LI: To plan and carry out a statistical investigation

This week for maths we used statistical information to create a pie chart. To get our information we surveyed 15 students from LS2 about what their favorite food was. After we created our chart we could see that most of the people we surveyed chose Butter Chicken as their favorite food.

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Treaty of Waitangi

LI: To learn in fewer words what the text is about

Te Tiriti o Waitangi is a settlement between the Maori and British. This settlement happened when Captain Cook arrived and told the British Empire about New Zealand. When the Britain arrived to New Zealand they had planned to add New Zealand to their empire. The New Zealand chiefs weren't so eager but since they needed protection from the pakeha they agreed to a treaty that would guarantee protection and peace.